Saturday, March 31, 2012

NFC told not to use the law to scare people

PKR feels that the NFCorp by a lodging a police report it is using provisions in the law to protect itself.
PETALING JAYA: PKR today told the troubled National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) to not use provisions in the law to cover up their wrongdoings.
The party’s strategic director, Rafizi Ramli said this in reaction a police report NFCorp made yesterday against Rafizi, PKR women’s chief Zuraidah Kamarudin and party vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar.
NFCorp is alleging that Rafizi had gone against the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (Bafia) when he distributed private and confidential bank account documents to the media during a press conference on March 7.
NFCorp reportedly said, “Documents sighted by NFCorp reveal that the information distributed were internal bank printouts of credit ratings and bank balances, and not the regular statements sent to customers or downloaded from Internet banking”.
During the press conference Rafizi had revealed NFCorp’s modus operandi which was to transfer funds into banks and the company would simply use those funds to get credit facility to buy private properties. Also at the press conference Rafizi had revealed more allegation of abuse of the RM 250 million soft loan given to NFCorp.
Rafizi had shown bank documents revealing that NFCorp had recently used these personal loans to buy eight shop office units in the luxury KL Eco City in the Lembah Pantai constituency. Nurul is the MP for Lembah Pantai.
In a press statement today Rafizi said that he respected NFCorp’s right to take up the matter to the police but warned  them against using provisions of law in NFCorp’s defence.
“While I respect the rights of the senior management of NFCorp and their use of law against us,I also remind NFCorp to not use the provisions of existing laws to intimidate Malaysian citizens who expose fraud  among the leaders and the elite,
“Law in a society is to ensure justice and prevent injustice, not to protect fraud and allow the perpetrator to escape,” he said.
Rafizi added that while he will fully corporate in the investigations over the matter, this will not stop PKR from making more allegations about the National Fedloot Center(NFC) scandal and the NFcorp’s involvement.
He said that should he be charged, he would willingly meet NFCorp in court for “the people’s spirit – who wants the misappropriation within NFCorp to be revealed – must be respected”.
The company is owned and operated by Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s family.
NFCorp was selected to assist NFC in achieving 40 percent self sufficiency in beef production.
Both Rafizi and Zuraidah have already slapped with a RM 100 million defamation suit by Shahrizat which was filed in January.

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