Saturday, March 31, 2012

PM Hj Najib abuses public funds to promote BN, says MP

The government has clearly abused public funds by disbursing RM608.68 million over the past three months specifically to promote BN, decried PAS Youth election chief Mohd Firdaus Jaafar.

NONE"They spent RM220 million in Perak alone, and RM201.4 million in Johor during their so-called working visits.

"But the fact is they went to those states using the BN logo and banners unashamedly. Where is the professionalism?" he asked in a statement.

Mohd Firdaus, who is also MP for Jerai, had in Parliament asked the Prime Minister's Department to list down all the allocations approved during PM Najib Razak's official tour of the states.

According to the written reply, close to RM610 million of 'urgent allocation' was handed out during the 14-state visit from January to March 15 - a period of 10 weeks - with Perak recording the highest, followed by Johor.
Determine to stay in power
Mohd Firdaus slammed the government for spending profligately while the rakyat are increasingly burdened with the rising cost of living and high inflation.

NONEHe cautioned Malaysians to beware of the effect of such unmitigated spending by the top Umno leaders.

"They have been clamouring about ‘wasatiyyah' (moderation) but what they have shown is ‘istiqamah' (determination) to continue swallowing public funds for their own benefit.

"Perhaps the only language they will understand is by voting them out at the next election," he added.

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