Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Slap in the face for Wee and MCA: Schools told to stop taking in temporary teachers

Slap in the face for Wee and MCA: Schools told to stop taking in temporary teachers
A Hulu Langat District Education Department little bird has leaked that the department had issued a letter to all schools under its jurisdiction that it had stopped taking in temporary teachers.
This means there would no posting of temporary teachers to schools on Monday (April 2, 2012) to help ease the acute shortage of teachers, especially in Chinese primary schools (SJKCs).
The source revealed that the letter to school principals in the district stated that there was no official directive or approval from the ministry to engage and post temporary teachers to help ease the shortage.
Now, did not deputy education minister Wee Ka Siong, at the rekindling of the issue about two weeks ago, prior to 325, proudly declared that the services of temporary teachers would be extended to the end of the year to temporarily resolve the shortage?
Slap in the face for Wee
What a slap in the face for the “efficient” deputy education minister from the MCA. Mr MCA Youth chief! Just admit it. You are just powerless against the Little Emperors who “see you no up” as a deputy education minister.
To Umno’s Little Emperors, you are just a puppet to be used and abused to suit their agenda, whenever the need arises.
Please show some dignity for the Chinese by throwing in your resignation letter. Instantly, you might become a hero should Umno feel pressured and threatened by this move for rocking the boat when the 13th General Election is around the corner.
Perhaps BN-Umno will beg you to retract your resignation letter and grant you your temporary teachers for SJKCs – ohhh! My community’s hero!
MCA is just a useless eunuch. At least the eunuchs in feudal China were more intelligent in power play than the MCA morons who only know how to stick to their Chua Soi Lek for the crumbs from Umno.
Jackson Ng is a Retired Journalist

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