Friday, March 30, 2012

'Survey' on teachers: We can smell the fear

YOURSAY ‘It is not power that corrupts but fear. The fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it.'

Education Dept surveying voter status of teachers

your sayJimmy Ng: This is another sinister plot by Umno-BN - trying to intimidate civil servants (in this case, teachers in Selangor) into supporting them in the next GE.

At last, we smell the fear and desperation of these despots. They are perhaps fearful that they will lose.

As Burmese democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi said (and also quoted by S Ambiga of Bersih), "It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it."

Ksn: How come the issue of voter registration has become the business and duty of the Education Department? Is it not between the Election Commission (EC), the voters and the political parties?

First it was in Tawau, now in Selangor. And Johor is conducting a seminar to pick on the Christians.

What is going on in the civil services, have they all become the coolies of Umno? What has the education minister to say about it?

Foodforthought: This is how Umno-BN has been intimidating civil servants for the past 54 years. Whilst for the rakyat, they will play up fictitious racial issues.

2cts Worth: This survey is an exercise in futility by goons who lack grey cells. Get your cuddly Santa to distribute ‘ang pows' to the teachers, say a grand each. This might work.

Let Santa come to the townships in Selangor, then I might just vote the pirates. I say ‘might', it's not a promise. The desperadoes have lost their senses.

No racism: I agree there is no reason for the Education Ministry to check on whether teachers are registered voters or where their voting districts are.

This is intimidation and someone should lose his or her job for wasting money collecting such data. But is anything going to happen? No!
I pity the teachers because of the intimidation they have to put up with.

Joker: If the Education Department just wants to know whether the teachers have registered as voters or not, it can simply ask how many teachers are in the school and how many are registered voters.

If the department is seriously concerned, they can arrange for automatic registration of teachers as voters although the EC does not like it, as according to its warped thinking, auto-registration means forcing people to vote.

If the Education Department is really desperate to find out, they can simply go online and key in the teachers' name and IC number on the EC website to find out whether they have registered and if so, where their constituencies are.

There is no need for a memo, although it does mean the Education Department staff need to do something called work.

Hello: What has the Selangor Education Department got to do with the Election Commission? Are they mandated to do the work of the Election Commission?

They should stick to their work as educators and not poke their long nose into another department's function.

As it is, our educational standards leave a lot to be desired. They should concentrate on improving the education system so that the country can produce highly qualified graduates and not low-grade reject graduates.

Anonymous #02382443: It baffles me as to what is happening to our civil service. Why can't they remain focused on what they are employed to do? Please concentrate on doing your work as educationists, not something else.

Sad Malaysian: The teachers should answer they support BN, but then vote Pakatan Rakyat. Let BN think they have their ‘full' support and make them lose big.

Jbsuara: This directive is also being given to teachers in Johor recently. The teachers are generally compliant to such directive despite their heavy workload involving the problematic SAPS (System of Analysis for School Examination) and the introduction of PBS (Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah) in Form 1.

This directive on teachers' voting status is controversial and is a blatant abuse of authority of the Education Ministry as voting is a private matter involving the teachers. It has nothing to do with their competency or their work.

Every teacher and civil servant have the right to vote the political party of their choice. The teachers should protest and complain against this directive because it infringes on their privacy and their rights as citizens.

Kelantanese: Of course, teachers are being watched by Umno-BN. They 'bribed' you with few thousand ringgit, surely they expect your votes in the election.

If in this election, the teachers still vote for Umno-BN, they have only themselves to blame for their cowardice.

I appeal to the teachers to register their protest votes against Umno-BN and vote in Pakatan Rakyat so that we can save our country from going down further.

Please teachers, don't fail yourselves.
Officer: Yes, dept sent out memo on voter registration

Quigonbond: What a laugh. If the Education Department wants to encourage teachers to register, all it needs to do is to send a circular to the school. The headmaster will post it up on the board in the staff room for all to see.

What is more likely to happen here is:

1. There will be follow-up questions when a teacher indicates he/she has registered.

2. If he/she has not registered, the teacher will receive a nice letter which implies that he/she should vote for BN because the current government takes care of teachers' welfare.

In an election year, even step 1 would be considered intrusive, much worse step 2.

Can the department do anything about a teacher if they know what the teacher's political alignment is? You bet. To name one - transfer.

ONG: It appears to me that the Education Department is now placing more importance in teachers being registered voters than being competent teachers.

The department doesn't seem to realise that the fact that a large percentage of students find it necessary to attend private tuition classes reflects badly on the competence of their teachers.

Anonymous: Now we know why our education system is in the pits. When officers should be putting in their hearts to try and improve the system, they are busy instead with politics.

What business is theirs whether the teachers are registered voters, let alone their voting preferences?

Anonymous: Deputy Education Minister Wee Ka Siong, this is the second lie you are caught with this week. Still not prepared to apologise? - Malaysiakini

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