Friday, March 2, 2012

What will happen if the BN regains its two-thirds majority?

What will happen if the BN regains its two-thirds majority?
Leave personal sentiments aside, vote for any BN candidate to ensure victory - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
The former prime minister warned his audience that without a two-thirds majority, the country would be dysfunctional. BN would be unable to implement its policies to benefit the people. Sad to say, maybe two thirds of the voters in this country may heed his words and do just that.
It would indeed be tragic if BN ever regains its two-thirds majority. One cannot even begin to imagine the magnitude and width of the implications of such a horrifying event.
CAT will be a dirty word, Pakatan to be destroyed once and for all
For a start, it will be the beginning of the end of the CAT administration (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) currently implemented in the Pakatan Rakyat-governed states. CAT will be a dirty word.
Worse still, BN will ensure that the Opposition is crippled, never able to regain its former strength again. In all probability, it will be the end of the Pakatan Rakyat. Yes, if BN does secure two-thirds again, this is what will happen.
BN will immediately move to consolidate its position, resulting in a major reshuffle of all the top posts in the Country’s Administration - Ministries, Armed Forces, Judiciary, MACC, Civil Service and other Uniformed Units, to ensure that the top administrators are BN-friendly and answerable only to the ruling elite and not the people. Most of the competent and honest ones (if there is any still left) will be forced into retirement.
Crackdown on the Internet, rape and pillage of national coffers
This will be followed by a major crackdown of the Internet, blocking of Opposition friendly weblogs, blogsites and electronic media while a restrictive Information Act will be implemented to ensure limited and controlled flow of information. The internet may even be disabled to the extent, that surfers will find it a pain to continue their web surfing activities.
Ruthless pillage and plunder of the Government and State coffers will also commence immediately, followed by the renewed and relentless rape of our natural resources and widespread deforestation. More money will leave Malaysian shores to be stacked away in Swiss Banks and overseas tax havens. Corruption will reach new highs making the PKFZ scandal look like a child’s toy.
There will be a total blackout on the MSM for corruption scandals, while whistle blowers can expect to be unfairly targeted, rather than be rewarded. This already sounds rather familiar doesn't it, as in the case of Shamsubahrin Ismail, the Datuk Fix-it in the NFC debacle.
New heights of corruption, while Umnoism will spread
The MCA and MIC would be powerless to stop the advance of UMNO, and will have retreat into a quiet corner, stepping aside to allow UMNOism to spread its roots and seep into every nook and cranny of the country.
The Racial conflict will not end as some people (mostly BN supporters) have predicted, but will worsen as the majority race look on in jealousy and rage at the success of the minority races. Race and religious rhetoric will continue to be fanned by the Three Musketeers - Ibrahim Ali, Hasan Ali and Harussani Zakaria - to rouse the sentiments of the majority race against the minority so as to create irreparable racial differences. Misunderstandings will continue to fester and froth, resulting in skirmishes, perhaps even violence.
The races will retreat further into their shells, harboring fear, loathing, jealousy and vengeance against each other, fanned constantly by the three Umno-backed lunatics. Freedom of worship will erode as religious fanatics try to discourage the minorities from openly worshipping in public. Such polemics will continue to draw the people further apart like two giant magnets sited at opposite ends to each other.
Religious decrees will heighten to ensure that the Malays do not go out of line ever again. The Chinese and Indians will be put in their place with the advent of religious extremism. So touchy will the Muslim clerics become, the non-Malays will be forced to be dumb, deaf and blind just  to avoid offending the Muslims. Non-Malays would be stifled, hardly able to breathe as more and more individual freedoms are stripped in the name of religion and national security.
Foreign workers, stagnant salaries, and falling property prices
More foreigners would be allowed to enter the country, as the lucrative levies on foreign labor continues to fatten government coffers, while ensuring a continued vote bank during the bad times. Such recruitment is at the expense of the Malaysian blue collar workers who would be forced to compete with foreigners for jobs that are growing scarcer by the day. Salaries will remain largely stagnant, as Malaysians will be forced to adapt to lower salaries or remain jobless.
Barisan Nasional somewhat caged by a strong Opposition before, will unleash its fury with its new found freedom to make life miserable for everyone. The Police and other uniformed units would be encouraged to flaunt their power to discourage the masses from trying out anything democratic such as peaceful assemblies and gatherings. Rela will be further strengthened with a membership drive to ensure a credible third defence for BN.
BTN, 3 Musketeers and Anarchy
BTN will also have a free rein to continue brainwashing the younger generation and the Civil Service; instilling the doctrine of Malay supremacy which is akin to the Nazism doctrine. BTN may even be upgraded and given its own exclusive Ministry.
We may even see the onset of anarchy as the ruling elite moves to a near dictatorship to keep citizens in check. Taxes like VAT will be implemented across the board on an even higher percentage, not to mention an increase in individual tax rates. EPF deductions may also be raised to burden both the employee and employer, while sloshing more money into the arms of the Umno-compliant EPF board.
Cost of living will spiral, with food items doubling in prices, while petrol will lose part of its subsidy and jump again, but property prices will fall sharply due largely to a sluggish economy and lack of demand as citizens try to migrate. The government will turn a blind eye to such foreboding events, while helping themselves to the government coffers replenished by subsidy cuts and tax hikes.
Desperate Malaysians of all races would have no choice but to turn to the government to alleviate their suffering and beg the government for handouts. But isn’t this already happening?
Insolence will also rear its ugly face and ‘samsengness’ (rowdy, bullying behaviour) will be the norm.
Education would continue to be neglected, as the Government focuses on other unimportant issues. The non-Malays will continue to jostle for the limited number of university places available, while fresh graduates will find it virtually impossible to get employment.
At a micro-level, the following events are likely to happen:
Penang may lose its non-Malay Chief Ministership.
Moral Squads will abound.
Wider policing across the country with the flourishing of road blocks across border states with stop and search teams.
Entertainment outlets may be curtailed or restricted under the pressure of Religious extremism.
Lynas Rare Earth will finally start operations.
Meritocracy will be ridiculed.
Open tenders will close.
The Rule of law will disappear.
The Civil Service will continue to bloat, bleeding funds from other more crucial sectors like health and education .
Patriotism to become extinct as the Malaysian dream ends
Patriotism will sink to its lowest ebb, as Malaysians from all walks of life, look beyond our shores for greener pastures. The migration tide will increase as the deterioration of human rights continues unabated.
Businesses in Kuala Lumpur and other major cities will quietly shut down one by one, as the buying power of the ringgit shrivels, and as the lights go out one by one.
It will be the end of the Malaysian dream with everyone calling it quits.
But with such a depressing scenario, why would Malaysians continue to put their vote in the wrong box? Simple - our education system or should it be propaganda system has reached such a sorry state that most of us cannot even think straight anymore.
Yet, hardly, 5% of the subject matter has been broached, and there are many other major issues that could take place should the BN regain its two-thirds majority - so many, in fact, they could fill a book. For now, the scenario above is just an appetizer course, or mere food for thought.
As PKR vice-president N Surendran warms, “As long as the ruling BN political coalition does not respect the rule of law, our public service institutions will remain ineffective, demoralised and subject to the political whims of the ruling party."
Malaysia Chronicle

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