Saturday, April 28, 2012

7 indicators of the homegrown imperialist or why we are not power crazy but must wrest power from crazy people.

The title of this article is fairly long. I have deliberately chosen it to reproduce the extended comments sent in by Walla. I present here his thoughts, verbatim. Sakmongkol.

UMNO was formed to fight imperialism. Yet its offspring called UMNO Baru has become even worse imperialists.  Worse because it wears the cloak of wolves to entice the flock of sheep that it wants to keep in its fold as meat for its own dinners.
Even little Red Riding Hood can see through the scam, what more the millions in this land who are daily facing the new imperialist order that has already usurped the nationalism all had forged together over fifty years ago.

Because they are dullards, the new imperialists have also copied word-for-word the divide-and-rule tactic of the old foreign imperialists by pitting one brother against another.

 That is also why it is hard to understand how someone can say tomorrow's marchers are bad parents.  If they are bad, then UMNO is even worse to have produced UMNO Baru whose yellow-livered leaders have already decided to tear-gas and bludgeon the rakyat of Malaysia who are marching against imperialism inside the present government.

One is tempted to ask since these so-called leaders of the present government are yellow-livered, why are they so against those who wear yellow? It's just a colour, like blue. Is even colour subject to monopoly in this land?

Secondly, the same character tried to tar the leader of the Opposition by saying he is power-crazy. But what has that leader been doing so far other than to articulate for changes?

 So if UMNO is fighting against the Opposition on the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ground that their leader is power-crazy, how are the rakyat not to conclude that UMNO is therefore fighting against the changes that he has personified?

  Since those changes are also what the marchers are asking for, why has UMNO not realized the changes more honestly, for that matter protect the rights of the marchers instead of planning to harm them, starting with barricades at a place with the word 'Merdeka' that was first ever roared on the very night this nation was freed from imperialism?

You see this same contradiction in UMNO - it says it is for our Malays but it enchains them in the wrought iron of subservience to an imperialist order made sneaky by friendly pats on the shoulder and thin wads on the palm while it vacuum-cleans the entire national coffer behind their backs.

 That explains why today we have one humungous national debt which is growing faster than it can be reduced. Because the government we are presently having is neither clean nor fair and yet only good at flip-flopping and cheating.

 However a tiny doubt remains. Imperialists, it is asked? How does one recognize the imperialist in our midst?
(1)   How about the guy who invited the poor to his mansion of elephantine size built on low-cost land and then explained his generosity by saying, "if not here, how else can they taste this luxury?"
(2)   Or, the other guy who showed how good he was to be able to negotiate a mansion at below market rate despite having given up his dental practice?
(3)   Or, the chief of a state once caught laundering money overseas who now decides to monopolize the billboard business in a single company so that rates can be raised tenfold, purportedly to fund his favorite charity.
(4)   Or, the quantum leap from rearing cows to rent-collecting of expensive condos, with the rent paid by associate companies of the same beneficiaries funded in the first place by public money issued under dubious circumstances, money now gone up in smoke thicker than the haze from Kalimantan because it was really a huge amount....for a low-level appointee.
(5)   Or, the slush funds amounting to hundreds of millions deposited in offshore accounts but somehow only detected by a foreign anti-corruption agency while the local one sits silent awaiting higher orders from those yang mengikut perintah yang tak akan datang. Too shy, perhaps?
(6)   Or, the GLC honcho suspended for money politics but reinstated out of the blue, however best only for wisecracking on the one hand, and yet on the other hand losing his cool to tell poor farmers to get out if they cannot accept his boss, the one who already has enough problems of his own trying to explain why he had walked away from answering honest questions by the rakyat. Again, shy, perhaps?
(7)   Or, the super-rich shopping tastes, flying allowances, monarch-level accommodations, super-class limousine services, not to forget the entertainment allowances that smoothen bed sheets at discreet rendezvous three times a week, fifty two weeks a year.
 The only thing missing in the picture forming in your mind right now is a lowly servant from some kampung, standing behind the new brown mat salleh of this 21st century, fanning away with a large feather fan the draining heat of each day that starts with a late morning and ends with an early night, a day at best pushing paper on the table, speaking nonsense to the masses, and generally causing trouble and mess all over the place, and paid a gazetted salary that in a thousand years will never explain all the excesses the calculator has already collapsed from trying to compute.


 In such a situation, how are our Malays and other Malaysians ever to make real progress? How can real progress be made when the economy is as fake as the government leading it?     Meanwhile, despite all the machinations, bamboozling and chicaneries of UMNO layered like lard on the rakyat, the peoples of Malaysia are united more than ever.

 And the greatest hope for Malaysia was already shown in the singular action by so many millions of our Malays when in their finest hour in GE12 they had collectively rejected UMNO and turned enough of the popular vote in the peninsular to give the Opposition a simple tipping point majority.

 If UMNO thinks it can leap, why not the voters? They too can quantum leap to enlarge that majority even more in GE13 and in one stroke redefine the tired and jaded political landscape of Malaysia for the first time in the history of this nation.

 In doing so, our voters will show the imperialists in our midst that our Malays are no different from any other human beings on this planet in their capacity to improve their lot. It is bad training which has impeded them. It is bad policies which have eroded all the goodwill so necessary for building networking and contacts for bigger markets and better exchanges. It is bad economics which have given to the imperialists a head start for a few at the expense of the many.

 And that is why there is a new wave of courage in this nation that says the rakyat will rather do the right thing and fail than continue to see the present government do the wrong thing and succeed.

 Avoid this sad tragedy. Bring about changes. Go beyond the tipping point. Make the quantum leap. After that, it gets easier. After all, the buck stops with us and not UMNO. If it stops with us, you will know it won’t be miss-spent; it’s your own money in the first place. But if it stops with UMNO, first hilang, then habis.

 Only a few more hours to wait before dawn breaks on a day where the same courage will be shown. The will of the rakyat cannot be weaker than the will of those who have chosen to do wrong because the riffraff in UMNO still think they can fool the rakyat when the only people they are fooling are the people they see in their own mirrors every day.

 walla, for all of you.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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