Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bersih 3.0 in Mecca and Medina: Unwise and uncouth?

  • Ismail Mina Bersih Makkah Arab Saudi
Ismail Mina: "It is very unbcoming for people to launch the Bersih 3.0 campaign in the holy land of Mecca and Medina
KUALA LUMPUR: An Islamic scholar has criticised the move to launch the Bersih 3.0 campaign in Mecca and Medina, holy cities for the Muslims, as the movement’s agenda is inclined to serve a diabolical political agenda.

Speaking to The Mole the president of Pertubuhan Muafakat Sejahtera Masyarakat Malaysia (MUAFAKAT) Ismail Mina Ahmad said: “It is very unbecoming for people to launch the Bersih 3.0 campaign in the holy land of Mecca and Medina.”

“Firstly, are they sure that Bersih is created based on facts? Is the movement itself clean from any diabolic political intentions?” Ismail Mina asked.

He was commenting on several blog posts which showed the launch of the movement at two of the most revered mosques in the Muslim world - the Masjid-Al-Haram in Mecca and Masjid Al-Nabawi in Medina.

These mosques are deemed as the most sacred mosques for all Muslims.

“Do not smear the Masjid Al Haram and Masjid Al Nabawi with such political campaign,” he further added.

A blog post at Penembak Tepat said the launch of the movement in these mosques were insulting as Bersih is led by Datuk Ambiga Sreevanasan, an advocate of  lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Malaysia.

Although Islam and politics are inseparable, Ismail Mina said Muslims must understand that one’s intention does not justify the means.

“I do not see why Malaysian Muslims in Mecca and Medina have to be exploited to gain support on the campaign,” Ismail Mina further added.

Secretary general of the Islamic non-governmental organisation (NGO), Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia Aminuddin Yahaya shared similar opinion, saying people who initiated the Bersih 3.0 are getting desperate to gain support for their cause, even if it means using religious places as its platform.

“I view this as a desperate attempt to show how Bersih is supported by Muslims, even when they are at the holy land,” Aminuddin said.

“They forget that such move would only give a negative impression on Malaysia and Islam,” he added.

Meanwhile Pas youth head Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi said people should not create a fuss over the launch of Bersih 3.0 campaign in Mecca and Medina as Bersih’s agenda is in line with Islamic teaching, in promoting fairness in politics.

Nasruddin who was present during the launch of the electoral reform campaign in Mecca yesterday told The Mole Malaysians should understand that Islam and politics are inseparable hence any movement which promotes social justice should be supported.

“I do not see any problem with Bersih being launched in Mecca and Medina. People who are against it by saying religion and politics should not mix need to understand Islam promotes fairness and social justice and Bersih’s agenda is the same,” Nasruddin said.

On criticism of Bersih being led by LGBT advocate (Ambiga) Nasruddin said: “Bersih is not about LGBT. I think almost everyone knows it is about electoral reforms so that we have a fair political system. There is nothing wrong in supporting it.”

Nasruddin said he was not in Mecca solely for the campaign, he was there to perform the Umrah before he was approached by the Malaysian community there who insisted on pledging support for Bersih.

The chairman of Islamic Renaissance Front Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa said Bersih demands are justified in democracy system and that it does not deviate from Islam.

“Bersih is about passive resistance. I do not see anything wrong with people showing their support for the movement anywhere in the world.”

- the Mole


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  2. Is true the holy City Mecca and Medina can't involve with politic? There a lot of sirah (history) that Mecca and Medina is part of politic movement. Politic is part of Islam. Is it Allah don't have any idea about politic or any human activities? That's wrong guys, That's wrong.


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