Monday, April 2, 2012


Another of the MANY CRIMES Committed by the Malaysian ELECTION COMMISSION (EC) to ensure that the current RULING umno/bn COALITION PERPETUALLY wins future elections

Independent polling agent Merdeka Centre also published findings from a survey last year that showed VOTERS COULD NOT BE LOCATED for SIXTY-NINE PERCENT (69 per cent) out of 1,200 randomly selected registrations.

Of another 1,200 people surveyed, six per cent said they HAD REGISTERED but could NO LONGER find their entry in the voter roll.

Comments: The presence of SERIAL NUMBERS on every BALLOT PAPER in every previous election enables the EC to TRACE who voted for whom in all past elections.

As a result, EC officials are be able to among others relocate, erase those who have been persistently voting for the OPPOSITIONS to enable the ruling umno/bn to win elections.

In the last Ulu Selangor by-election, 4,000 voters who voted in the constituency in the 2008 General Elections a few months before, were relocated without their permission and hence could not vote in the by-election.

In addition, THOUSANDS of voters from other constituencies were relocated into Ulu Selangor.

Despite these, umno/bn candidate won by a mere 1,000+ majority.

That is why, I have requesting to add 5 more IMMEDIATE demands addition to those 8-point demands made by BERSIH 2.0 one of which is: VOTES should be SECRET. There should be NO SERIAL NUMBERS on each and every ballot paper.

We, the citizens of Malaysia, will make sure that, once the current Malaysian government is toppled through LEGAL and LEGITIMATE means, each and everyone of those responsible for each and everyone of the crimes will be brought to JUSTICE, including

NAJIB RAZAK the prime minister, where 13,000 soldiers, 5,000 farmers from the state of Kedah and 3,000 IMMIGRANTS from mainly MYANMAR who had been given Malaysian Identity Cards were relocated in his PARLIAMENTARY constituency, PEKAN,

abdullah badawi, mahathir mohamed (the FOUNDER of MONEY POLITIC in Malaysia) the former prime ministers, many umno/bn leaders.

NOBODY will be able to protect those culprits from being PUNISHED to commensurate with the crimes committed.
  - [Curi]

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