Sunday, April 29, 2012

Muhyiddin snubs RCI in Sabah

The deputy prime minister did not speak a word about addressing the issue of illegal immigrants in his brief visit to the state.
KOTA KINABALU: Both Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin were not in Kuala Lumpur during yesterday’s massive Bersih 3.0 rally.
The sit-in rally calls for electoral reforms including the purging of “illegals” from the the electoral rolls, an issue that is especially prevalent in Sabah. Najib was in Sarawak and Muhyiddin was in Sabah.
But just as they both left the people in Kuala Lumpur high and dry, so did Muhyiddin when he left Sabah after his day-long visit without a whimper on the much-awaited Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants and the rampant issuance of Malaysian documents to these Muslim immigrants. Earlier this month, Najib did the same thing.
“He avoided holding a press conference…” said one senior journalist who had been waiting to see if Muhyiddin, like Najib, would also cancel his press conference, which is a normal occurrence for any federal leaders concluding their visit to Sabah.
“Alamak, DPM has no PC…” texted another journalist who had been waiting to shoot questions at Muhyiddin on some perennial problems in Sabah.
Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, had gone to SMK Narinang in Kadamaian, Kota Belud, to meet a gathering of community leaders there and announced projects worth RM45.5 million, mostly for the PBS-held Kadamaian state constituency.
Observers here noted that the project was “to prevent Kadamaian and possibly Kota Belud parliamentary seats from slipping away from Barisan Nasional”.
Muhyiddin also revealed that the Rural Development and Regional Ministry would upgrade six rural roads in Kadamaian next year “and if BN is returned to power” in the 13th general election.
The six stretches of roads in Kadamaian are Melangkap-Gaur-Piasau (RM25 million), Tengkurus-Lahanas (RM5 million), Kaung-Lobong-Lobong (RM2.5 million), Tuguson (RM2.5 million), Tintapon (RM2.5 million) and the Tokulung road (RM2 million).
He also announced RM500,000 each for the repair of SMK Narinang and for building a mosque in Kampung Pangkalan Abai.
Muhyiddin also announced a one-off token allocation of RM10,000 to each of the associations for the Dusuns, Bajaus, and Iranuns in the district. Similar allocations also went to the SIB, an evangelical church, and to an Iranun youth society in Kampung Pantai Mas where the Dewan Rakyat Speaker, Pandikar Amin Mulia, comes from.

Opposition making inroads
Meanwhile, Kadamaian assemblyman Herbert Timbon Lagadan in his speech at the school, admitted that the opposition is making inroads into his constituency and feared that the tide might turn against BN in the coming general election.
“The people are beginning to lose hope and are turning to the opposition because they believe they would be able to find solutions to the existing problems.
“The opposition is taking full advantage of this by playing up these issues. They told the people here that to solve the problems here, the BN government needs to be toppled.
“It is time we solved these problems,” Lagadan said.
Muhyiddin also made a walk-about at the multi-ethnic town before proceeding to declare closed the week-long Malaysia Trust Fund Week in Kota Kinabalu. He then left without saying anything more.


  1. Its not up the Muhyddin if the RCI will be implemented or not, the only person who can make a decision now is our Prime Minister.

    1. I sure hope that our PM will implement RCI in sabah.

    2. I personally think that we need to wait for a long time.

    3. At least 6 month and maximum 2 years to wait for the ToR to be finalized.

  2. The Sabah BN has already hand up the Terms of Reference to the Prime Minister during his last visit to Sandakan, we should just wait for his decision on this.

  3. Its not the deputy PM job to make the announcement about the setting up of RCI but the PM himself.We will just have to wait till he make the announcement. Sabah BN has handed up the TOR to the PM. Hopefully we will soon have positive feedback from the PM.

  4. penubuhan RCI dinantikan seluruh penduduk Sabah. percepatkanlah penubuhannya.

  5. Tunggu dan lihat saja apa perkembangan menyusul.

  6. memandangkan masalah PATI adalah hal yang serius dan tidak boleh dipandang ringan oleh semua pihak, maka ia perlu diselesaikan dengan segera.

  7. Perkara ini bukan sahaja berkaitan dengan isu politik tetapi ianya soal sosial, perlembagaan, kebudayaan, keselamatan dan isu-isu demografi yang perlu diselesaikan secara positif tetapi tegas sebelum PRU akan datang.

  8. buktikan kepada rakyat bahawa kerajaan negeri/pusat benar-benar prihatin terhadap isu projek IC dan PATI yang sedang dihadapi di Sabah

  9. Hopefully this issue will be resolved

  10. meanwhile, all political leaders in Sabah, regardless the government or oppositions, to stop their bickerings, mudslingings, accusations and counter-accusations against one another and to put their heads together and work out a workable political solutions that would bring benefits to the people of Sabah

    1. Kerajaan dan pembangkang memang perlu bekerjasama dalam apa saja masalah/isu yang dihadapi di Sabah demi untuk kepentingan rakyat Sabah dan bukannya kepentingan politik masing2.

  11. Pastikan RCI dapat ditubuhkan di Sabah. Kerajaan Persekutuan perlulah bersungguh-sungguh untuk meyelesaikan masalah ini secepat yang mungkin bagi memastikan Sabah akan terus kekal aman tanpa PATI.


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