Monday, April 2, 2012

A Pandora's box stamped 'Do Not Open'

YOURSAY 'When several senior police officers have come forward with such serious allegations and no action is taken, what conclusions can the rakyat draw?'

Underworld figure's hand in cop transfers, promotions

Bender: I bet PM Najib Razak's silence over this matter and his refusal to set up a tribunal is indicative of his own involvement in the Copgate scandal.

He might not be directly involved in the Tengku Goh episode, but I bet he himself has a lot of dirt that needs covering up.

A tribunal against Gani and Musa will definitely open up a Pandora's box along with Altantuya Shaariibuu's ghost.

In this case, his non-actions speak louder that his actions. Poor Najib, I pray that you'll lose the coming election, and then we'll have a field day uncovering all your vices.

Anonymous_3f4a: Nothing in this Malaysiakini report should surprise anyone as the police have a bad reputation as an effective law enforcement agency.

It's incumbent upon the opposition to list the complete overhauling of this institution together the judiciary, AG's Chambers and MACC in its election manifesto as top priorities.

The institutions of this country have been systemically compromised over the decades to serve the political interests of Umno at the expense of the greater public and the national interests.

What we read in this report is the direct result of such deterioration. It's a systemic failure of governance at its core.

Headhunter: "This is an allegation which has to be substantiated," said Najib.

Isn't this is what a tribunal is supposed to do? Najib knows very well that a tribunal would open a can of worms which will lead back to his front door. That's why it will not happen under his watch.

Those who have been wronged should be patient and wait for a change of government. Only then will they get justice. As the saying goes, "Every dog will have his day."

Dr Suresh Kumar: So much of water had passed through since the first allegation of abuse of power against former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan and attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail surfaced, but nothing has been done by the relevant authorities.

How to substantiate the allegations if Najib is reluctant to call for an investigation or set up a tribunal to investigate those allegations?

We are talking about serious allegations against two key figures here. One was the protector of the law, and the other is the protector of justice.

These two institutions can help shape or mis-shape the course of democracy and justice and how the country would be run by politicians. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we have men of highest integrity and credibility to run these institutions.

Najib should call for a tribunal and get to the bottom of this issue without further delay, preferably before the 13th GE if he wants to project himself as a PM with integrity, who 'utamakan rakyat'.

Smartvoters: Najib, you are useless as prime minister if you don't set up a tribunal on this immediately.

Public perception of you is that you too have something to hide but which is known to Musa and Gani, and that is why you dare not set up the tribunal.

The allegations against these two are very serious. They are publicly made by former and serving police officers. But until today Musa and Gani have not dared to sue these officials for defamation, libel or slander.

The allegations are also made in sworn statutory declarations. The officers concerned are lining up ready to give evidence if the tribunal is set up.

So clearly, the serious accusations against Musa and Gani are not mere unsubstantiated allegations as you have claimed.

In any case, that is why a tribunal is needed - to find out whether the allegations are true or not. Musa and Gani can defend themselves by giving their own evidence and bringing their witnesses to the tribunal.

Rumah Panjak: It is now crisp and clear, and the evidence is pointing at Musa, Gani and MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency).

Surely there must be a way to charge these people in court. Can the king come in to give a proclamation for the country's leaders to do the right thing and to save this nation from further plunder?

Vgeorgemy: It is apparent that Umno's reluctance to investigate these substantiated charges is because it wants to use these tainted officers to block Pakatan Rakyat's entry into Putrajaya.

Up2U: You must not only be clean but be seen to be clean. Yet despite all these allegations, our prime minister and home minister still find it difficult to order an investigation.

Their flimsy contention is that the allegations have to be substantiated. The former CCID (Commercial Crimes Investigation Departmant) director and several senior police officers have come forward, what more substantiation do the prime minister and home minister need?

Joe Lee: Samseng-samseng (thugs) diRaja in cahoots with the bigsamseng-samseng of the underworld.

It's all in a day's work in the 'underworld' of the Malaysian government. You can get killed or seriously maimed if you don't toe the line.

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was actually lucky to have survived the beatings that were inflicted on him.

Just like the situation with Japanese, Chinese or Italian mobsters, Malaysians know not to mess around with their police or the MACC. Too bad, it's going to take a few generations before the police can be reformed.

Cocomomo: The rakyat must send a clear message to the nation that top leaders (irrespective of whether police or politicians) having links with the underworld will not be tolerated. Corruption cannot, and should not, be accepted.

Even though we may not have a very credible opposition, Pakatan is the only alternative we have now and they look much more credible (I hope power does not turn them into worse than the existing bunch) than the ruling party.

The ruling party and the opposition must realise that the rakyat can remove them if they do not behave. So maybe we should send a strong message to BN that we no longer tolerate all the corruption and their inaction.

Kangaroo: PM Najib, walk the talk. If there is no tribunal is set up to investigate the serious allegations, then the conclusion is obvious - that Gani and Musa are untouchables and they are privy to many secrets of Najib and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

The opposition must make this the topmost issue in the GE campaign and the rakyat must demand that a tribunal be set up, failing which rakyat must vote the opposition so that they can set up the tribunal.

Doc: And I thought all this while, Umno was controlling the police. I guess I was so wrong. - Malaysiakini

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