Sunday, April 1, 2012

Please, lah, Min, get real and cut the bullshit!

PKR is not the weakest link in Pakatan Rakyat, in fact they are the strongest, said the Deputy President, Azmin Ali at a dinner, attended by over 150 PKR members in Kota Kinabalu last night…
…Sabah PKR has improved by leaps and bounds from where it was in the past few years into a formidable force and applauded the Sabah version of Buku Jingga, which lists 19 points of Sabah centric issues…
…the PKR deputy president said that seat negotiations have reached the next phase with the Pakatan leadership taking over to decide on the final list of candidates.
He also confirmed that the  battle in Sabah this time around will be  straight fights between Pakatan and Barisan Nasional candidates and not likely to see a repeat of the 3 -cornered and 4- cornered ones of the 2008 12 general election – Malaysiakini reporting yesterday.
You can read the report by clicking on the image of ‘Azmin’ with his head in the sand and his ass in the air!
- The People's Parliament

1 comment:

  1. PKR paling kuat dalam Pakatan?? tengok dulu siapa yang paling banyak menang kerusi semasa PRN Sarawak..


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