Monday, May 28, 2012

AUCTIONED - Sekinchan Ikan Bakar at Sri Sinar Segambut, KL. What is this?

And ANOTHER Restaurant "Sekinchan Ikan Bakar" in Sri Sinar SEGAMBUT KL...getting AUCTIONED!

Kena "LELONG" mah!

How far is SEGAMBUT from Dataran Merdeka? Heheehe!

UMNO Malays...only a BUNCH of PARASITES! Never learned NOR were they taught by the Government on how to be INDEPENDENT and do "REAL" business...only depend on Government PROJECTS all the time and expected to be "SPOON FED!"

I hope ALL these USELESS buggers get AUCTIONED off one day like in the old P. Ramlee movies to become someone's "Khaddam" ( Housekeeping Servant! )

-w.i.w.c — [Curi]

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