Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Destroying Bersih's success

There is no denying that the Malaysian police went feral and metamorphosed intosamsengs of the most brutal kind, not unlike the Argentinean police of that nation's Dirty War (1976 - 1983).

It's terrible that a public funded force, instituted to 'serve & protect' the public, instead turned against the very people it vowed to 'serve & protect'.

The ferocity with which they hunted down innocents to bash them up as some kind of misinformed 'pay back' mental madness shows how wrong the governance of this nation has become. Supposedly professionals became suppressive predators.

How do we remedy such a dysfunctional evil force since the UMNO-led government has refused to?

Change the government?

But how to when the elections will be stacked against the federal opposition because of a corrupt and very partisan Election Commission whose two senior men are unbelievably members of a political party, namely UMNO?

But then, wasn't Bersih organized and launched precisely to draw the King's and public attention to the nefarious EC and its inability/refusal to conduct 'clean and fair' elections? Wasn't Bersih appealing to the King and general public for their support, regardless of the people's political allegiance? Even some Gerakan people, admittedly a minority, had daringly voiced their support for Bersih and its objective, namely to have 'clean & fair' elections.

And that's why Bersih's conduct of neutrality should be beyond reproach, a supra-political-party movement which neither opposes BN or Pakatan, nor supports BN or Pakatan, but one merely campaigning for a neutral, impartial EC staffed by executives and people of the highest integrity, and also to rid from EC the two top EC executives with their shameful affiliation to a political party.

Thus in my post Bersih - "Uncle okay?", Auntie is okay! I had appealed to Pakatan's political leaders to butt out and stay out of any leading role in Bersih, and not to hijack the campaign for their own political agenda. I had written:

The message to Malaysians must be unequivocally and unambiguously clear that Bersih 3.0 in demanding clean and fair elections is a campaign by very concerned and politically-neutral citizens who are neither pro Pakatan nor anti BN, or vice versa. 
Far more importantly, Bersih’s efforts are pro public interests and anti-corrupt elections. Bersih seeks to prevent nefarious forces from cheating the voters of their choice of representatives. 
Pakatan leaders, Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang & Lim Kit Siang and their senior lieutenants, must allow Bersih to be seen clearly by the Malaysian public as a non-Pakatan affiliated movement for clean and fair elections, and deserving of support by ALLconcerned citizens, thus these Pakatan leaders, while supporting Bersih, must remain in the publicity background and not selfishly hijack the rally for their own political interests.

Because if they did, then as I wrote,inevitably UMNO will portray to the heartland that the mass rally is a creation of its political rival, Pakatan Rakyat.

But someone was determined to cause a sensation, to dramatise the situation perhaps for his foreign visitors to witness at first hand, acts of violence against the public by the oppressive BN government, even at the risk of a major sector of the public being influenced by UMNO that Bersih 3.0 was just a PKR support movement.

Free Malaysia Today has identified in its news article Rasah PKR leader arrested a PKR member who is believed to commit an offence related to the Bersih 3.0 rally - for more, read my post Deciphering of difficult de facto hand signals.

It is high time Pakatan supporters wake up and realize our coalition will never ever get to sit in Putrajaya so long as the so-called indispensable and touted leader and his henchmen continue to mar the attempt by Pakatan to practise healthy politics in a two-party system, and indirectly mar the right to ask for 'clean & fair' elections!

How can a person who crowed with pompous triumph about an UMNO ADUN defector in Perak (until that defector showed his amazing revolving-door expertise) be expected to be a reformer? How can a person who boasted (prematurely) of effecting a massive defection of 30 BN MPs over to Pakatan, for him to become PM in the notorious 916 gambit, be a man with democratic ideals? And shall we even talk about his party polling process which still suffers (until today) from many unanswered questions by Haris Ibrahim?

In the stark evidence of such damning defective deformasi, if you still believe and insist he's the sole Messiah who will lead Pakatan into the Promised Land of Putrajaya, then you deserve wandering, like Moses, in the political wilderness for another 40 years.

In Free Malaysia Today's article Chaos and the beginning of the end for Anwar it says:

Full democracy in Malaysia is dependent on the setting up of a sustainable and viable two-party system. People who saw Anwar lose control and sending his storm troopers in to destroy everything in their way are beginning to believe that for democracy to face the Barisan Nasional, Anwar has got to go. 
The sheer desperation and willingness to cause the BN political damage at any costs, even causing damage and injury, shows that Anwar knows this general election is his last chance. It is the final salvo of one of the most divisive figures in Malaysia’s political history. Anwar will be 65 this year and waiting for the 14th election will see him just a shade under 70. 
It is sad to see an otherwise intelligent man blind to the fact that he will never be prime minister. The destructiveness he unleashed on Kuala Lumpur this weekend is the final act of desperation of a man hoping in vain that he has still got one final act to play. What he does not realise is that his audience has left and moved on to something, or someone, that far more closely resembles an ideal leadership with which they want to spend time and watch.

Two years ago, in my post Pakatan in Putrajaya? I wrote:
Dramatically denied the No 1 political position in Malaysia on the very eve of his ascendancy, he has over the years been tormented to maddening levels by the saying, there’s many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip. 
But incarcerated or otherwise, his reformasi was only a sham, a pretend battle cry to mask his less than admirable UMNO credentials and the current real intent of PKR.
Ask yourself really, how could a man who openly promoted party defections during the shameful spectacle of 916 be ever considered as a political reformer. By claiming a coup d’état with an invisible group of 30 Barisan Nasional (BN) defectors, he was even far more creative than in his UMNO mode of 1994 when he turned Pairin from being the elected CM of Sabah into an opposition leader with just a few froggie croaks up his sleeves? [...]
916 - There was no greater audacious bullsh*t.

And in the end, a brilliant beckoning and beautifully conceived and executed Bersih 3.0 with such powerful and undeniable presence of public support to show the King and Malaysians that the demand for 'clean & fair' elections was supported DIRECTLY by 300,000 Malaysians in KL alone and many more overseas plus a multitude who weren't able to attend, was lamentably destroyed in the few minutes after Bersih's leader Ambiga Sreenevasan had officially ended the peaceful assembly and dignified sit-in.

There's no more selfish, self centred, shameful hijacker who piggybacked on Ambiga's civic conscious campaign and rode it to its calamitous end where both police and members of the public were bashed and blood flowed!

Lemmings, it's bloody time to wake up and turn around!

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