Friday, June 1, 2012

Hisham to release "legitimate" video on Bersih rally in next 2 days

Hisham to release "legitimate" video on Bersih rally in next 2 days
The Home Ministry will release a video on the Bersih 3.0 rally in the next two days, its minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said.
The video will be at the ministry's website.
"All I want is for the truth to come out … the good, the bad and the ugly will all be seen in this video," he told the press at his ministry today after receiving a courtesy call by Alain Aeschlimann, the International Committee of the Red Cross's head of operations for East Asia, South East and the Pacific.
Hishammuddin said the video is a compilation of information and footages by the police of events and incidents that started a few days before the rally. "The video is legitimate, no superimposition, no selected angles."
The public will know BN is telling the truth
Asked if the public would be confused with two probes – one by an independent panel and another by the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) – he said people are more interested to know the truth.
"You must give credit to the public to be able to sieve through the information available. From what I see, those who are wrong, will be wrong and will be brought to the court.
"I am not worried too much about the overlapping because we cannot change the facts, and that is what we want to show to the people, what actually happened," he said.
Hishammuddin stressed that the investigation is vital or the incident would continued to be misinterpreted by certain quarters.
It was reported that the steering committee of Bersih 2.0 had rejected the panel headed by former inspector-general of police Tun Mohd Hanif Omar as the government had not indicated which law would regulate its establishment and functions.
The panel has been formed to look into allegations of police brutality during the rally.
The Sundaily

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