Monday, May 28, 2012

Lembah Pantai fracas: Why didn't PKR 'grab' Umno man?

If PKR is so sure that it was Umno Youth who pelted rocks at theirevent last Thursday in Lembah Pantai, why did they not grab hold of the Umno members?

Mohamad sazali kamilan umno lembah pantaiThis is the question asked by Lembah Pantai Umno Youth chief Mohamad Sazali Kamilan (right) after presented "video evidence" by PKR's Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar on the incident. 

"I understand that when (a PKR) member got injured from a projectile, an Umno member in a red Umno shirt was in the PKR ceramah tent assisting the injured person. 

"If Umno Youth had truly thrown the objects, why didn't PKR grab hold of that Umno member?" he asked. 

Instead of acting on the night, he said, PKR has instead come up with "video evidence" which does not "exactly show where the projectiles which hit audiences from both (PKR and Umno) sides came from".
"What proof does she have that Umno had thrown things and caused injuries? (From the video) we know that (PKR de facto leader) Anwar Ibrahim suddenly accused Umno Youth of pelting rocks and maligned Umno Youth by calling (us) sial (damned) andcelaka (cursed)," he said. 

Residents 'disgusted' by Anwar

He added that heckling does not constitute violence, and that local residents too had expressed "disgust" over Anwar's presence at Lembah Pantai that night. 

"Even the residence were saying among themselves 'What else does he want to lie about?'," he said. 

Lembah Pantai Umno had previously said that Anwar had provokedthe fracas by hurling verbal abuse on the Umno camp. 

However, Malaysiakini reports that Anwar called Umno Youth sialand celaka after Petaling Jaya Selatan member Raja Ismail Raja Din was hit on the head with a rock. 

Also injured that night was 12-year-old Nurul Balqish Mohd Isa, who was at the PKR event when her wrist was hit by a rock. Nurul Balqish's father and Raja Ismail have lodged police reports.

Umno claims that its supporter Muhd Saiful Bukhari was also hit by a projectile and was taken to a clinic that night.

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