Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Myth 2: Zaharin Yassin's big mouth

Zaharin Yassin's big mouth is no myth. He has a mouth with large lips and opening.

Being together with him in our struggle against Tun Dol and knowing him close enough, describing his mouth as big will not annoy him.

The myth is not of his mouth but his claim in his Facebook that he bump into a policeman in plain cloth operating undercover wearing a yellow wrist rubber band.

Zaharin went on to claim seeing many more of those wearing yellow bands and alleged that these plain cloth policemen in yellow band may have participated to breaking police barrier, throwing objects, etc as trained at the police depot.

He called PAS stupid for following that trap.

Many are annoyed with Zaharin for being a loose cannon to give fodder to opposition propaganda. Some reacted to claim he is 'hungry' since being removed from his position at Bandar Tun Abdul Razak's UMNO Division.

They touched on his past attack of Tan Sri Muhyiddin and a recent police report made against him. Why should one get personal in one's respond?

It's childish and Zaharin will only enjoy it. While PAS had fallen to the trap set by those plain cloth policeman in yellow rubberband, UMNO followers should not fall to his trap.

His allegation in his Facebook on March 28th is below:

Before unraveling how ridiculous PAS look for following blindly following these alleged policeman and UMNO followers for childishly being quick to get personal and angry with Zaharin, read first his Facebook comment made the evening of April 28th:

It took Harakah two days, after under heavy public shelling for their violence on the police for carrying out their duty legitimately to control the crowd, to use this materials. Read first PAS second attempt to follow without thinking, below:

Tengahari tendang polis, petang tangkap peserta

Harakahdaily,30 Apr 2012
(Dua suasana yang berbeza antara tengahari dan petang....sekarang ramai tertanya-tanya siapakah sebenarnya agen provokasi ini)
KUALA LUMPUR: Ketika pimpinan PAS mempertegaskan ahlinya bersih dan berdisiplin, tulisan bekas Setiausaha Umno Bahagian, Zahrin Mohd Yasin bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 2,000 anggota polis memakai baju Bersih Sabtu lalu menarik perhatian ramai.

Dalam tulisannya Sabtu lalu, Zaharin atau Sang Kelembai itu menulis, "polis dah lebih cerdik dari dulu... dia bahagikan anggotanya dua pasukan, satu pakai uniform polis, satu pasukan lagi pakai baju Bersih, tergelak saya jumpa seorang kawan yang masih polis, pegawai lagi dari Pahang, pakai baju kuning dan terpekik ayat reformasi."

"Saya tak tegur dia pun. Tapi bila tengok kat lengan dia ada getah warna kuning.

"Dan, saya jumpa banyak yang pakai getah yang sama... saya rasa terjaminlah dalam kumpulan pencacai yang tidak tahu apa benda ini," kata beliau.

Apabila seorang pengunjung menjawab tulisan asal itu dengan berkata, "ramai itu."

Zaharin terus menulis, "Jika berapa pun dia kata... kena tolak tak kurang dua ribu adalah polis dalam kumpulan Bersih."

"Yang menafikan mereka pun puak pakai kemeja-T Bersih untuk rempuh sekatan polis, yang baling objek pun saya rasa polis, macam mereka buat latihan demonstrasi kat polis depoh. Hehehe, puak-puak Pas bodoh ini iut nyer," tambah Zaharin dalam tulisan itu.

Gambar-gambar mula tersebar kini tentang polis yang dikatakan menyamar itu.

Misalnya aksi seorang peserta perhimpunan membuat 'flying kit' ke atas seorang polis trafik.

Beliau juga didapati kemudiannya yang menangkap para peserta demonstrasi yang lain.
(Gambar siapakah ini yang menendang polis dengan gelang kuning di tangannya. Gambar ini kini tersebar luas)
Ada dua tempat peranan agen 'provokasi' ini dikesan oleh orang ramai.

Pertama, siapa yang memulakan tindakan melempar kereta polis dengan botol air sehingga pemandunya hilang pertimbangan dan merempuh tiga orang di perkarangan pasaraya Sogo.

Yang kedua adalah tindakan memecahkan tembok penghalang yang dibina oleh DBKL mengelilingi Dataran Merdeka.

Siapakah mereka sehingga kini masih belum dapat dikesan dengan nyata.

Pihak penganjur Bersih 3.0 pula menuntut kerajaan membuat siasatan menyeluruh terhadap perhimpunan kali ini.

Peranan media tradisional yang dikuasai Umno dan BN juga mendapat kecaman dari pemerhati antarabangsa yang datang untuk membuat pemerhatian mereka terhadap perhimpunan kali ini.

Bercakap dalam sidang media mereka semalam, Senator Nick Xenophon dari Australia berkata, "perhimpunan ini aman sehinggalah mereka diprovok."

Beliau juga mengkritik laporan dari TV yang jelas melaporkan secara sebelah pihak.

“Mainstream media berat sebelah dan tidak adil. Kami lihat lebih laporan Perdana Menteri Najib (Tun Razak) di Sabah dalam TV dari peristiwa yang lebih besar tentang rakyat Malaysia,” kata Xenophon.

Seorang lagi ahli dari pasukan 7-anggota itu, India Times editor MJ Akbar, berkata peserta sebenarnya dalam mood berpesta.

“Orang ramai mempunyai masa yang cukup kalau mereka mahu bertindak ganas. Tetapi mereka berpesta sehinggalah berlakunya provokasi,” kata Akbar.
Upon being barraged by their violence act against the police, PAS is spinning excuses and creating false fact. Zaharin's allegations was thought to give them fodders and they capitalised it. But they didn't know that the more spin they attempted, the more they are tighter they are tying a noose around their head.

See the pictures above and enlarge it.

Zaharin made his allegations in the evening of the Bersih demo. It means PAS do not have time to plan for their people to watch out for those so-called policeman in yellow rubberbands. So they have to pick from whatever pictures they can get their hands on.

Can you spot the yellow rubberband on the guys wrist? Perhaps our eye sight is failing, but NO we can't identify a yellow rubber band.

It gets better. See the picture below properly.

In the heading picture of PAS spin in Harakah, they claimed the guy in purple T shirt (left) beating up the fallen policeman is the policemen in yellow police vest and brown T shirt (right) beating up a protester.

It does not make sense for a plain cloth policeman to kick another fallen policeman. Police like any uniformed outfit have a strong sense of espirit de corp. Even if he is deep undercover, he will not beat up his own fellow policeman.

In PAS hurried attempt to convinced their supporter that they are on the right when they are clearly in the wrong, they forgot to use something common, that is common sense.

Who got time to change baju while on duty whole day? And to shave his taliban beard and goatee? These policemen and riot squad makan by the road side. Kah kah kah .... trust PAS to claim something stupid.

More fun to come.

The best part is that the guy kicking on the fallen police has been identified to be Khalid Ismath, a final year law student at UiTM, student activist, Deputy President of KAMI, and openly declaredSyiah follower.

He is also the student described as 'monkey' by Papagomo.

Well done to Media Terengganu. Read here.

The blog has his address. The police can pick him up or as Zaharin told us, he is already picked up by police?

Taking the cue from Zaharin's big mouth, PAS added more spin to claim in their blogs other cases of claimed cases of special Special Branch operator acting as agent provocateur.

The blog Tumpeng Sekole ...? claimed those in red circle are too overzealous. Must be Special Branch. Never mind if there is no yellow rubber wrist band.

While the blog Kerabu Bersuara could spot those people in red has yellow rubber wrist band in the midst of the cocophony.

"How powerful eyesight you have," Red Riding Hood asked the talking wolf.

Since they are at that, these people dragging and choking the policeman must be an SB doing acting job.

The mobs jumping on the car must be an SB. In the background, Azri, the Al Hijarah cameraman and the SBs are acting out a beating scene.

Azri ... enough. Take off that bandage. It's obviously tomato sauce like what heppened in Port Dickson during Bagan Pinang by-election.

Surely the Israel signs are SB work trying to associate the riot with Anwar Ibrahim, who support the security of Israel but only conditional as for a diplomatic ties with Malaysia.

These PAS spinners must sign-up with Bukit Aman. They have the perfect eyesight to be a snipper. Unfortunately, they might not qualify. They do not have the aptitude.

If the police were to have a agent provocateur squad, they will be extremely careful to not show any signs. Having a yellow wrist rubber band is a dead giveaway.

Zaharin must be laughing his head off at the foolishness of PAS for falling to his trap. It takes a PAS and PKR fanatic to believe any discrepancies, lies and fabrication told by their leaders and media.

Those supporting Pakatan Rakyat should have their head examined. They seriously are defying logic and reasons.

One last thing why Zaharin is laughing is that he is most unlikely to attend the Bersih demonstration. He can be read like the back of our palm.

He knows the risk of being too identifiable with UMNO. Bersih is filled with ignorant and naive young mahasewel, who are still in primary school when the Reformasi they chanted happened!

If one do not believe, call Zaharin at 012-22298800 to confirm.

- Another Brick in the Wall

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