Monday, May 28, 2012

PAS Youth denounces 'sexy' Hari Belia gigs

The appearance of Korean sirens and heartthrobs at the federal government-organised Hari Belia festival is too hot to handle for ‘moderate' Malaysia, said PAS Youth.

riduan mohd norIts information chief Riduan Mohd Nor said the K-pop groups had put up "sexy" performances which were sinful and went against the teachings of Islam.

"PAS Youth considers this action by the government akin to attempts to sow wrong behaviour among the youths.

"By serving sexy performers to the public, the government considers such events normal and that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Perhaps, this is the values ofwassatiyyah (moderation) that the prime minister is trying to instill," said Riduan in a press release today.

The Hari Belia event in Putrajaya over the weekend featured top Korean pop groups U-Kiss, Dal Shabet dan Teen Top.

Organisers claim two million youths attended the event, held for the second consecutive year.

Riduan said PAS Youth is disappointed that the Islamic Affairs Minister Jamil Khir Baharom and National Fatwa Council failed to advise Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on un-Islamic features of the event.

"We believe that Muslims are very embarassed by the government which are led by Islamic leaders who failed to control the sinful activities that took place during the Hari Belia event," he said.

Cover up
In a related development, youth activism group Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) has accused the organisers of trying to cover up a horrific accident which occurred during the drag racing event.

badrul hisham shaharin altantuya police questioning 290509 03SAMM chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin (left) claimed that organisers tried to seize cameras from the victims and spectators who were recorded video or photographs of the event.

"What happened at the Putrajaya hospital was even more saddening. Visitors and relatives of the victims were not allowed to enter the emergency ward waiting area," he said.

Twenty two people were injured when a driver lost control of his drag-racing vehicle and mowed down a group of spectators.
Four are reported to be in critical condition.

Organisers claim that spectators were told to stay clear of barricades near the makeshift drag racing strip but they disobeyed orders.

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