Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Police lost control: What does that make them?

YOURSAY 'I thought this happens only in countries with a totalitarian government. How wrong I was. This is increasingly not the Malaysia I once knew.'

Ambiga: Bersih kept its promise, but cops didn't

your sayTelestai!: Tears filled my eyes when I saw the police bashing up the Bersih 3.0 protestors. Is this how the police behave? Beating up the rakyat who did nothing more than assemble peacefully?

These are unarmed civilians that the police are entrusted to protect. I thought that this happened only in countries with a totalitarian government. How wrong I was. This is increasingly not the Malaysia I once knew.

Trublumalaysian: Excellent response, Bersih co-coordinator S Ambiga. I'm still perplexed at the fact that citizens/bystanders/journalists were brutally walloped far away from the Dataran Merdeka barricades which were breached.

Why didn't they go for the ones who opened the barricades? Another thing is, why did the police shout racist obscenities at the civilians while whacking them?

Were they actually from the police or were they Umno thugs in uniform? That's my reckoning as the afternoon-shift cops on that day was of a different breed and had hatred in their eyes.

Not Confused: The way the police acted on Saturday clearly shows that they were spoiling for a fight - probably under the orders of the useless IGP (inspector-general of police) and even less useful home minister to make sure that it ended in chaos so that they could blame Bersih.

As a first-hand eyewitness to the events (I was right in the middle of the junction between Jalan Tun Perak and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman), the crowd when the police opened up with water cannons and tear gas, was very friendly.

The authorities in this God-forsaken country should witness how demonstrations across the world are handled today - like Labour Day, an annual event in many countries.

Usually in these events, the police are the facilitators, keeping the crowds in check and being the opposite of confrontational.

This empty-headed government has zero idea about the stresses and strains of a mature democracy.

Anonymous_3e2c: Who instigated the violence - the police or Anwar Ibrahim? The police only reacted after the close of the assembly and after Anwar ‘ordered' the breach.

Anwar has got to go. I will vote Pakatan Rakyat but not if Anwar is to become the next prime minister and Azmin Ali his deputy.
The Bersih rally was over. The people were ordered to disperse. There was no action by the police. That would mean Anwar would have to put his tail between his legs and leave. No ‘wow' factor.

So the order to breach the barricade was given, in clear disregard for the safety of the participants, young and old.

Where were Anwar and other Pakatan leaders when it was breached? Seeking shelter elsewhere as they knew what was to come next.

That is poor leadership - Pakatan is Umno repackaged. Only Pakatan is willing to sacrifice the people for their objectives.

Anonymous #11028691: My conclusion - it is the police who rioted. It was all pre-planned. Even if the barricade was broken, the police had more than enough personnel to close it again.

If their job was to 'prevent' people from entering Dataran, then their duty was done. They did not need to go all over the place to unleash tear gas and chemical-laced water. Give a few hours, people would have dispersed.

I was there, there was no violence, only from the police. I was about to go back to Masjid Jamek Station, but had no choice except to run around for an hour to avoid the tear gas and chemical-laced water. The crowd never provoked anyone.

Don't Play-Play: Ambiga, as an ordinary citizen who treasures peace and harmony, I support the action of the police. I would have acted the same if I was a police officer. They are not robots. They are human and have feelings.

They had been patient since Friday evening where they were verbally abused and physically attacked with bottles, stones and other objects.

Even their vehicles were not spared. Patience has its limits. Your genuine supporters and those from opposition parties pushed their luck too far.

Don't you try to wash your hands and say that you are not guilty. Be a responsible leader if you want to be respected. Shame on you, woman.

Wira: Police brutality is clearly demonstrated on YouTube. They were not in Dataran Merdeka to secure the place.

The way the police reacted to the infraction was as if they were under instruction to exact maximum fear and suffering to anyone who dared to protest.

That most, if not all, protesters had been released showed that the police did not have a case against those arrested. The devils had their day.

Khairul Said: People who are supposed to have protected Malaysians from danger are the ones who seem to have caused it. When things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. A sad state of affairs indeed.

Ferdtan: We can talk about the apportionment of blame till the cows come home, and still the issue will not go away.

Get back to the main agenda - that is the demand for free and fair elections. Keep on the momentum to press home the issue that an unprecedented record number of protesters are demanding for change in the Election Commission.

We wish to thank the Bersih committee and its chairpersons, Pak A Samad Said and Ambiga Sreevevasan, for the success in the April 28 'Duduk Bantah'.

We also thank Bersih for taking away the fear in us. "People should not fear the government. The government should fear the people." (from ‘V for Vendetta'). - Malaysiakini

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