Friday, June 1, 2012


SIPITANG: Many local fishermen in Sipitang feel they are being sidelined by those in position to assist them in the ever increasing competition to earn a simple decent living. While the new comers to Sipitang favoured by Sipitang leaders because they are the fixed deposit of BN, said Hj Amde Sidik, the Deputy President of SAPP last night in a talk he gave in Kampong Guruh Guruh, about 3km from Sipitang Town.
“Distribution of facilities to fishermen in Sipitang has always been based on connection, especially family, relatives and close friends; in many instances one has to declare that one is UMNO supporter, otherwise the ‘official’ wouldn’t bother listening, this is why we think we look forward to a new style of leadership here,” said Ahmad (not his real name) from Kg Buang Sayang, Sipitang for fear of his family being harassed and old pension being stopped.
According to him-Ahmad, UMNO leaders here are capable in threatening people to live in fear for the past twenty years. YBs are given the names by their spies; spies likewise, work rightly or wrongly based on hearsays.
“We orang laut where else do we go? Yet all fishing activities are not without limit - kind of nets used, how far we go to the sea, how big the size of our equipments, the kind permit issued, what is it we catch, etc.
Sipitang has no more fish around. Sabah Forest Industry- SFI could be blamed for this; there is no assurance that toxic disposed by SFI hasn’t killed the fish or dwarfed the growth of marine life around here. Many years before SFI existed, fish, prawn and crabs are plentiful, one didn’t need to go very far off the shore. Today, our catch is based on the luck of the day ” Ahmad said.
A part from that, our Department of Maritime based in Labuan in their usual way- pay more attention to small prey like us, run amok inspecting every conceivable things in our boats in what they called it based on report by someone rather than by someone in authority, may be we can call it ‘bodek’ to get Datukship. Yet smugglers of liqueur, cigarettes and what have you are continually operating lucratively on the shore of Sipitang and Menumbuk.
According to Amde it really is sad to hear, people are pouring whatever left to be said. They can rest assure; he said that he wouldn’t leave issues like this un attended.
Among those present at the function were SAPP CLC Sindumin Committee members including its Treasurer, Sarudin Maidin. - Sabahkini


  1. The government must make sure noone is sidelined from government aids, the local Sipitang fishermen deserves to get the government assistant to help them improve their livelihood.

  2. Equal treatment is needed for all citizens, the government must be fair when allocating help or subsidies to all.

  3. kerajaan patut membantu nelayan2 di Sipitang dalam tingkatkan hasil pendapatan mereka.

  4. Rasanya semua nelayan yang berkelayakan telah diberikan bantuan berbentuk subsidi oleh kerajaan. tiada yang dipinggirkan.

  5. Para nelayan ini memang memerlukan bantuan daripada kerajaan untuk memberikan kemudahan nelayan mereka. Ini bagi meringankan beban yang mereka tanggung.

  6. Bantuan harus sampai pada mereka yang layak dan rakyat tempatan.

  7. bila nelayan tempatan tidak mampu bersaing, mulalah disalahkan kerajaan kononnya mereka dipinggirkan.. kalau begini la hal nelayan2 tempatan, tidak heran la jika nelayan asing boleh menguasai perairan Sabah..


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