Monday, May 28, 2012

Violence is Umno's answer: STOP ANWAR and you stop Pakatan!

Violence is Umno's answer: STOP ANWAR and you stop Pakatan!
DAP condemns the serial procession of violence over the past weeks at Pakatan Rakyat events involving PR leaders in Felda Lepar Hilir, Pahang (threatening Nurul Izzah) Sembrong, Johor (where Anwar’s car was stoned), Padang Kota Lama, Penang (where I was threatened) Merlimau in Melaka, Lembah Pantai, Pekan Bangi, Kuala Kangsar, and the most recent incident in Pengerang, Johor which indicate that this elections may be the most violent in history out of BN’s desperation to retain power at all costs.
Ever since Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak used the famous phrase of defending Putrajaya at all costs during the UMNO General Assembly on 21.10.2012, UMNO has used the language of hate and violence. Najib infamous call that day shows how that language of violence is no longer limited to words but has degenerated into mindless and thuggish violence:-
“Even if our bodies are crushed and our lives lost, brothers and sisters, whatever happens, we must defend Putrajaya”
Refuse to admit despite visual proof
Despite irrefutable proof in the form of photographic and video recordings of violence by UMNO supporters against PR leaders and supporters, those responsible for such violence have not been charged in court. Even those UMNO supporters video-taped as beating up reporters and photographers at Penang in two incidents in July last year and 26 February 2012 have not been charged.
Failure by the police and the authorities to act against the thugs and gangsters amongts BN supporters may only encourage more violence against PR leaders and supporters in PR events. Such escalation of violence will not only prove that BN governement is not interested in clean, free and fair elections but instead wants to instil fear and is willing to endanger democracy.
Anwar main target
DAP expresses grave concern for the safety of Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is the prime target of UMNO members. Will PR leaders, including Chief Minister and elected representatives, have to be physcially injured and harmed before any action is taken to protect them and ensure a violence-free political campaigning?
Even though PR leaders are vulnerable and unable to defend ourselves from the mindless violence of BN supporters, PR leaders will continue to exercise our fundamental constitutional right to campaign and reach out to Malaysians, even in BN strongholds in Johor. I will be visiting Johor next week in Kulai and Kluang.
DAP reminds BN to take heed from the lessons of terror tactics of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mobarak against his own people, ultimately met complete rejection and failure. The people no longer fear such oppressive tactics as they want freedom. As Thomas Jefferson said,
When the government fears the people, there is liberty;
When the people fears the government, there is tyranny.
Lim Guan Eng is the DAP secretary-general

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