Saturday, June 2, 2012

Azmin 'willing to pay the price' for loyalty

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali is the man of the hour-for all the wrong reasons.
From a sex video allegedly involving him to a teary media interview with his mother claiming that he has neglected her, the past few months may have left the Gombak MP's image rather the worse for wear.

But all these seem to build up to leaked investigation papers published in the blog Malaysia Today, leading to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's decision to resume a graft probe first initiated against Azmin in 1995. 

Curiously, Azmin's biggest critic is sister Umi Hafilda, who even prior to being appointed syura council member for the anti-PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim NGO Tibai, has been campaigning hardagainst Azmin. 

Unrelenting in her accusations of debauchery, involving not just her brother, but also his wife, Umi said she will continue airing dirty linen in public until Azmin chooses to abandon Anwar. 

pkr congress 2011 261111 wan azizah anwar azminYet, adamant in his loyalty to Anwar, Azmin told Malaysiakiniearlier this week that if given a choice between his sister and Anwar, blood may not be thicker than water.

"Never mind, I don't want to comment on that. I am convinced of this struggle, and my belief in Anwar is not unfounded...

"I support him not because he is Anwar but because of his idealism, the depth of his knowledge and because he is someone who can bring change," he said empathetically. 

A price willingly paid 

He added that as private secretary to Anwar, when the latter was sacked as deputy premier in 1998, he had made a difficult decision between then PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his own boss, Anwar.

Azmin said his decision to "defend the truth" has led him down 14 years of "misery", but this, he said with a tinge of romantic heroism, is the "price (he) is willing to pay". 

"I was in and out of lock ups, charged, maligned, my family relations are in ruins because of that choice...but it was a choice I had to make... I went through hell for the past 14 years," he said.

Azmin's outpouring of loyalty for Anwar is vastly in contrast to his response when asked what happened to result in such a public feud among the siblings, including brother and well-known TV host Azwan.

To this, he zips his lips and insists that family matters should remain behind closed doors.

About a decade ago, Azmin was more verbose. Speaking under oath in 2001 during a sex trial against Anwar, he testified that Umi was "disowned" by their father for running away with a married man. 

NONEsarawak election bn ceramah kg seberang jaya 110411 umi hafidalUmi, he said, "likes to lie, is not trustworthy and a daughter who was willing to betray her own parents." 

Last week, however, he took a deep breath and said: "Well I reserve my explanation on that because I believe that family issues should not go into the public domain.

"As a Muslim and Malay (I feel) we should try contain and discuss problems among family members."

But what if she pitches a tent next to his ceramah, as she did last week next to Lembah Pantai PKR's event?

"It's up to her. I have no intention of joining this discussion...any relationship has problems... I believe the family institution should be "harmonised" not shamed in the media. I am entirely opposed to this."

While he admits to have "ruined" his family by choosing to back Anwar, Azmin is thankful that his closest family members are still in his corner.

He said that his loyalty to Anwar is even worth the pain that his wife and children have had to go through, especially when the paternity of his daughter was questioned. 

'Joseph's family slandered him, too'

Asked how his family dealt with the recent sex video claim, Azmin who is largely private about his personal life despite the vivid allegations against him, spoke in broad strokes. 

He said he is thankful for their enduring support, for the strength that has given to them to face all the slander, and how their support has strengthened his own will to continue with the struggle.

NONEBut there is a hint of pride when he speaks of his daughter Farah Amira, who, he said, has decided to read law in college as a result of what had happened to him. 

"She wants to see a fair justice system in Malaysia. That's a challenge she has undertaken after seeing what I went through in the past 14 years," the father of five said. 

"While my wife and (children) support me, my other family members don't. I see this as a test from God... Several scholars have met me and reminded me of what the prophets and their peers went through. 

"The prophet Moses was accused of adultery and the prophet Joseph was slandered by his own family. Knowing this empowers me," he said.

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