Thursday, June 28, 2012

brownie points and brown cows sure took over 2 months for these MIC buggers to "grow"balls huh ? All this while when morons from Perkasa and some so called "veterans" from the military where either serving beef burgers or mooning their butts at the entrance Bersih Chairperson, S. Ambiga's home not a word nothing was spoken. Was she not a Hindu then ? Was she deserving of the humiliating treatment then ? For God's sake, was she not a fellow human being then ?

Where the fcuk was MIC when UMNO dragged a cow-head then ? Where the fcuk was MIC when UMNO labelled them "pendatangs" then ? Where the fcuk was MIC when Interlok labelled all Malaysians of remote Indian origins as pariahs, and was approved okay to be used as literature by students in our schools, by the education ministry then ? Why now
Now all of a sudden these two "pariahs" ( a term for Malaysians of remote Indian origins which I use at will as what the school text book Interlok referred them, me included, as such !) are coming out to"hang" the UMNO mutt from Sri Gading Mohamad Aziz, who is demanding Ambiga be put to death by hanging and treason against the king. Perhaps they think they have earned some "brownie" points by being outspoken now, no ?

Too late Jose', nobody gives a rat's piss to what you have to say now. Maybe or just maybe the naive and illiterate folks in rural estates and villages might be in "awe" of your heroic out-burst, ala Tamil picture, and that's as far as you can go. Damn these MIC !

MIC President-G. Palanivel

Sucking up to their political masters is what MIC did best, then and now. And even that too was threaded with "caution" so as to not to rock the boat and miss out on the gravy train. Come to think MIC and PPP (another pariah party) are one and the same. Or perhaps they should join forces so as to be in a better position to blackmail a bargain from Najib for more seats, right ?

But sadly that won't happen because the party heads aka gang-leaders of both these parties don't have the will to improve the lives of their members but to enrich selfishly their own kin and cronies. So how now brown cows ? 

Read the full "bullshit" here.

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