Friday, June 29, 2012

HANG AMBIGA: ’1st time in history a lawmaker has demanded the MURDER of someone’

Maria Begum
HANG AMBIGA: '1st time in history a lawmaker has demanded the MURDER of someone'
Although Bersih co-chief Ambiga Sreenevasan did not say it should be Umno-BN lawmakers who should be hung, her retort that giving away citizenship in exchange for votes is treason enough makes it clear that if anyone deserved capital punishment, it should Prime Minister Najib Razak’s coalition, which has been accused of desperate tactics to win the coming general election.
“As for treason, asking for free and fair elections is not treason. Giving away citizenship for votes is,” Ambiga was reported as saying byMalaysian Insider.
She was responding to a comment from Umno’s Sri Gading MP Mohamad Aziz, who was busy in Parliament on Tuesday night ‘defending’ his coalition on several issues.
Umno-BN has been accused of running a racket to ‘sell’ citizenships to foreign workers, including the illegals, where they are promised permanent resident status if they voted for the BN in the coming general election.
Punish this ‘samseng’
Meanwhile, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has called for Mohamad to be punished.
“Clearly these remarks are inflammatory, designed to stir disaffection, extremism and racism. It was directed against her because she’s a woman, Hindu and Indian,”  Lim who is also the Bagan MP and Penang Chief Minister told a press conference on Wednesday.
“This is the first time in history that a lawmaker is demanding for the murder of someone.”
DAP elected representatives plan to lodge simultaneous police reports against Mohamad for his “samseng-like”, “seditious” and “racist” remarks against Ambiga, the receipient of the prestigious Women of Courage award from the US and the Knight of the Legion of Honour award from France.
Is this the ‘quality’ of Umno MPs?
Mohamad Aziz’s reckless replies aimed to stir controversy raised eyebrows – sparking speculation that he was trying to “catch Najib’s attention”.
“Shouldn’t we also hang Ambiga for treason towards the King? Traitors should be punished as harshly as possible,” the Sri Gading MP had told Parliament.
He was referring to the April 28 Bersih 3.0 rally for clean elections, where violence erupted after the police launched one of the bloodiest crackdowns on civilians in recent history .
Malaysia will have to hold its 13th general election by the first half of 2013 and Najib has said he is now in process of finalizing the final list of ‘winnable’ candidates.
Hanging Ambiga as surreal as using Bersih 3.0 to topple the BN
More than 250,000 Malaysians had crowded the vicinity of the Dataran Merdeka venue of the Bersih sit-in protest. All had gone smoothly and crowd control was exemplary until an hour before the 4pm closing time, when the police suddenly fired tear gas canisters directly into the crowd.
LRT stations were closed off and the civilian protesters found themselves trapped at the mercy of ‘vigilante’ groups of police personnel. Hundreds of people were severely beaten and arrested.
Najib has blamed the violence on Opposition Leader Awar Ibrahim and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, insisting that the police were forced to take tough action as Anwar and his Pakatan Rakyat coalition were using the rally to topple the BN government.
Despite nationwide ridicule for Najib’s claims, and the mountain of visual evidence that showed they were untrue, the PM and Umno president has stuck to his allegation and has charged Anwar and Azmin for breaking the controversial Peaceful Assembly law.
“‘Off with her head!!’ Sounds like Alice in Wonderland! The statement, of course, reflects more on the maker than on me. But seriously, I have a question for this MP. Are the reforms sought by Bersih going to be fully implemented before the 13th GE?” said Ambiga.

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