Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, DYMM Tuanku

Today June 2, 2012, we as a nation and a people celebrate the Official Birthday of Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Almu’tasimu Billahi Muhibbuddin Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah. 
As your loyal subjects, we humbly wish Your Majesty Happy Birthday. May God Bless Your Majesty and DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Haminah binti Hamidun with continued good health, happiness and prosperity. We also pray that during Your Majesty’s  reign, Malaysia will be peaceful and prosperous and we remain united as Malaysians. Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku.
Bernama reports (June 1, 2012):

His Majesty:: Stay United and Preserve Peace and Stability

DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mua’dzam Shah saids the peace and harmony in the country is not something that can be gambled with, as the term ‘second chance’ does not exist for the peace of a nation.
He said if the peace of the nation was destroyed and lost, the people would live in a backward and disorderly state.
“Be aware of this reality, I urge the people to be more careful and think in a more matured way. The peace and harmony is not something which we can gamble with. So, as an independent and civilised people, channel whatever criticisms, in fact, even protests, in a well-mannered and wise way,” he said in conjunction with his birthday which was aired “live” on the RTM1 television channel tonight.
He also expressed his unhappiness with the antics of certain quarters who were seen as deliberately wanting to topple the foundation of national peace which had been created at great pains.
Tuanku Abdul Halim such actions clearly showed their impure intentions and insincerity in carrying out their roles in politics and organisations.
“By right, any group, in carrying out their political roles or that of their organisations, must give constructive and conducive criticisms, not making use of innocent people to the extent of misleading their thinking,” he said.
Tuanku Abdul Halim said the action of certain groups which claimed they were fighting for freedom and human rights was seen as only raising provocations and placing the peace of the nation in danger.
He reminded that the people cannot be negligent and idle with external elements which never despaired of their intention to disrupt the peace of the country.
“Be aware of this reality, it is very important for us to strengthen our identity and our love for the nation. After more than half a century of enjoying independence, do not be duped by any outside propaganda, which only wants to  disturb and subjugate our country.
“The new form of colonisation on Malaysian politics and economy, which is being attempted, must be checked and opposed altogether. Whether we want it or not, the sovereignty of our beloved country must be continued to be defended,” he said.
Tuanku Abdul Halim also praised the “1Malaysia People First, Performance Now” concept mooted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak which he regarded as being more successful in uniting and fostering the cooperation of all parties in spurring Malaysia into becoming a developed nation.
While regarding Malaysia as still a young nation, he said intense efforts and solid planning by an efficient government had been capable of boosting the country to a level to be proud of today.
“But, no matter how beautiful the strategy which has been formulated by the government is, the aspiration to turn Malaysia into a developed nation will not be achieved if not supported by a conducive, stable and harmonious surrounding.
“For the future of Malaysia, the unhealthy elements which are spreading in the life style of the people of Malaysia in all aspects regardless of politics, value system or daily lives, must be checked.
“As citizens who love the nation, we need to act rationally by placing the interest of others above personal interest in whatever situation,” he said.
He also asked the people to look at the effects of frictions and disturbances in several countries resulting from endless uprisings and demonstrations especially in terms of the economy which became critical and problematic.
Tuanku Abdul Halim also reminded that the black spots and bloody incidents which had tested the nation in the past such as the Emergency, the uprising of the Communist Party of Malaya, Indonesian Confrontation and racial unrests must be prevented from recurring.
“The question is, do the people want to see our beloved Malaysia be paralysed and destroyed by our own hands? Clearly, if this takes place, the effort to revive the situation will take a very long time.
“As such, don’t let it happen. As the saying goes, looking up only after knocking one’s head, a thousand regrets are of no use,” he added. - Din Merican

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