Saturday, June 30, 2012

Musa must be replaced, says Lajim

The Umno supreme council member claims that Sabah Umno is losing confidence because of its leader, chief minister Musa Aman.
KOTA KINABALU: Umno supreme council member Lajim Ukin claims that the party’s state liaison committee leadership is losing the confidence of not only its own divisional heads but also leaders of Barisan Nasional component parties.
The Beaufort division chief will be seeking an appointment with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to discuss about replacing the current state Umno leadership “to restore the confidence and trust of the people towards the coalition.”
Sabah Umno’s head is Chief Minister Musa Aman.
Lajim, who is also Federal Housing and Local Government Deputy Minister, said “little birds” are telling him that dissatisfaction is high among Umno leaders as well as component parties.
Sabah BN, also headed by Musa, comprises Umno, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), United Pasokmomogun Kadazan Organisation (UPKO), Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS), Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), MCA, Gerakan and MIC.

‘A leader who thinks of his friends only’
Without naming anyone, Lajim said in Kota Kinabalu certain Sabah Umno leaders must be changed, if not removed, for the good of the party in marching its force against the mounting strength of the opposition parties in the 13th general election.
“We do not want a leader who only thinks about the future of his friends. Umno is for all members and there are no leaders given special privileges except for the party’s number one – the prime minister,” he said.
Lajim wants this issue addressed as soon as possible – for Najib to make the necessary changes in Sabah Umno.
He also said that information reaching him indicated that he may not be fielded or given the opportunity to defend his Beaufort parliamentary seat.
Lajim, who was instrumental in the downfall of the PBS government in 1994, will not also defend his post as Beaufort Umno divisional chairman. He will stay as an ordinary member like former premiers Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
PBS lost gripped of the state government in 1994 even though it won on a PBS ticket the state election after Lajim (Klias) and Rubin Balang (Kemabong) ditched the party to cross over to Umno. When Umno took control of the state governmant, Lajim was made a cabinet minister while Balang assistant minister.
Meanwhile, Sabah Umno deputy head Salleh Said Keruak differed with Lajim’s assessment.
Salleh, who is also the state legislative asembly speaker, said Sabah Umno leaders, especially Musa, have continuously championed the cause of the people of Sabah through various approaches.
He said state leaders being part of Umno will be more effective and successful at solving problems faced by the atate and the population.


  1. Janganlah jadi seperti Jeffrey yang suka lompat parti hingga 6 kali.

    1. I think is better to let him go. I mean, he wants that way right?

    2. Lajim has resigned his position in the party but he said he has no intention to leave the party yet. Wonder what his next move will be?

  2. Rasanya UMNO dan BN perlu kenalpasti dan memperbaiki lagi sesuatu yang melemahkan parti mereka, hingga ada yang telah mengambil keputusan untuk tinggalkan parti tersebut.

    1. UMNO and BN have no problem at all, but personally I think Lajim should address his own something first.

    2. There are no internal crisis in the party, Datuk Musa Aman said that the party leaders and members are united and cooperating well.

  3. Just admit if have problems in the party. Besides, no party is perfect. But must ensure to rectify the problems, not ignoring them.

    1. There is no perfect party in the whole world, I concur with you. But at least don't make something that only will affect the whole thing.

    2. Lajim Ukin is trying to get back at Musa Aman because the top BN leaders wanted to drop him during the GE-13.

  4. Salleh seems to be a strong supporter for Musa Aman. Will Salleh contests in this coming election?

    1. Of course salleh is a strong supporter for Musa Aman. He has every reason to do.They are in the same team.

    2. There are many other leaders who are supporting Datuk Musa Aman such as Datuk Rahman Dahlan, Datuk Shafie Apdal and a few others. However candidate selection is up to the top party leaders, not up to Datuk Musa.

    3. selain Salleh, ramai lagi pemimpin yang memberi sokongan penuh kepada Musa. Musa mmg mendapat sokongan dari pelbagai lapisan.

  5. I know Lajim has been doing for 22 years but don't make this thing as one of the reasons to let down the CM.

  6. Lajim, please get your fact right.

    1. Lajim knew he is no longer relevant, therefore he is now trying to gain people's attention.

  7. A leader must not think about friends only.. Its important for leader to always prioritize the people needs Its a leader responsibility to do so.

  8. Lajim Ukin must be having a case of sour grapes syndrome since he didn't get the chance to be a Sabah CM previously.

    1. I think, this is all about the 13th GE. May be he not in listed for GE candidates.

  9. kepimpinan Musa di Sabah amat baik sekali, walaupun ada beberapa kelemahan, namun ia masih boleh diperbaiki.

  10. I'm not sure why, but for my own opinion this is probably the only certain strategy to topple Datuk Musa Aman. Because we know Datuk Musa is clean with all the personal problems.

  11. Tidak perlulah risau ini mungkin cuma pendapat daripada pihak lain. Rasanya Datuk Lajim tidak akan berkata demikian.

  12. Mengenai isu Datuk Lajim letak jawatan pengerusi UMNO beaufort itu adalah fakta kerana pengumuman dibuat oleh beliau sendiri. Tapi mengenai isu menyuruh Datuk Musa digantikan itu cuma khabar angin yang cuma memburukkan hubungan pemimpin Sabah ini.

  13. I don't understand why Lajim said that, I think people no need to replace CM Datuk Musa Aman. He is the best CM. We can see all the development under his leadership nowadays. We should give him our support.

    Bah Sabah Bah

  14. his statement proved the freedom of speech in BN.. if Lajim in Pakatan, he will definitely fired like Hassan Ali and Tunku Aziz..

    Borneo Paradise (Blog)

  15. Sabah, once almost synonymous with despondency, has been rising from the ashes of gloom and murkiness. The nearly infamous GDP growth rate of 8 per cent that was termed a miracle more than once is not just where the story begins or ends. The dreadful past that saw this North Borneo state decelerating, deteriorating and degrading is hard to picture vis-à-vis the present Sabah.

  16. Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman is increasingly seen as a reformer and renovator with sturdy administrative abilities. Today, the streets of Sabah resemble grace, as opposed to the crumbling hanging bridges and dilapidated highways and streets with no street lights a decade ago. An overwhelming thousands of kilometers of roads, more than hundreds of bridges, and a number of power plants including 12 IPP’s were constructed during Musa Aman’s tenure, including the Kimanis 1.5-Billion-Ringgit gas-fired plant the biggest IPP plant in Sabah – designed for 300MW – to address the power supply issue in the state is in its final stage of construction.

  17. The enhanced transport facilities, especially the highways, have ensured normalcy with the journey time slashed to half. Real estate enjoyed a boom with several building projects taken up. Kota Kinabalu has now adapted itself to modernisation with newer shops and malls opening up and has evolved to become one of the most beautiful city in this parts of the world.

  18. A sharp rise in cement inflow to the state shows the escalation and expansion of construction projects. Agricultural yields have been cited as a major growth factor and oil palm, which is the prime sector in Sabah, has been advantaged a great deal. New Palm oil mills has roped in private investments, and the 4.7-billion-ringgit Ammonia and Urea Plant in Sipitang will provide direct jobs to thousands, something that came as a boon to a state with one of the least employment opportunities. Today, more than 80,000 jobs has been created.

  19. Under Musa Aman, the industrial scenario changed with several big projects being cleared for implementation. The saga has been threaded together with many such incredible deeds that include a massive 35 per cent growth in auto sales, which has a lot to do with the fact that the highways and boulevards are no longer abandoned after 10 pm, and that, in turn, is a direct consequence of terrific administration and governance. The improved law and order situation has been a major reason for this growth tale, and Musa Aman, the man behind it all, vouches for this.

  20. Today no politician can openly challenge the state police; even Akjan the self-proclaimed 33rd Sultan of Sulu, an UMNO man who is strongly connected to both Home Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and Minister of Rural and Regional Development Shafie Apdal, was detained and remanded for seven days to facilitate police investigations on him being proclaimed Sulu Sultan in a private ceremony in Kg Likas. No gangsters, Ah Long, don or bandit can roam free after committing a crime and no mafia is given protection by the government. With heavy police patrolling, there is little scope for a criminal or illegals to dodge the claws of legal procedure and penalty. The Federal government has also done its part as it has been quick in filling the enormous number of vacancies in the police force, and what ensued was no surprise. With speedy trials, backlogs were cleared, and within a span of three years, thousands of illegals and criminals were convicted and deported. Bigwigs and VIPs, too, were not spared the customary legal bindings leading to a complete reversal of Sabah’s façade.

  21. Crime rates has also plunged, and the number of kidnappings followed by demand of ransom, which was once thought to be the only vocation in the Eastcoast of Sabah, has plummeted drastically. The improved law and order situation did wonders as investors, convinced about the assurance of safety, have started to invest in Sabah. However, it is not the private sector that is credited with the honour of resurrecting the lost state; it is the state spending that did the job and this year the budget is the highest ever in the history of Sabah 4-Billion-Ringgit and the state having an accumulated reserve of 3-Billion-Ringgit.

  22. During previous tenures, major portions of the allocated funds remained unused as a result of the lackadaisical attitude of the authorities concerned. Tourism plays a part in the economy undoubtedly. The number of tourists has gone up by 13.6% from about 2.5 million in 2010 to almost 2.8 million last year generating RM4.977 billion.

  23. On the other hand, private educational institutions have come up and many unemployed graduates have been given temporary teachers job in schools, colleges and skill training institutions, as part of a major recruitment drive by the government. With changes to notions that were existent in the minds of people regarding Sabah, investors, and not criminals, are finding the state to be the land of prospects. Internet connectivity has improved a lot and internet cafes can be found even in remote areas, mobile service providers have cropped up, so has the pre-paid talk-time and broadband usage reportedly raised heavily. Banking firms are a healthier reality in Sabah today with some banks operating in even in remote areas of Sabah.

  24. The health factor remains dim, despite efforts by the government; so is the poverty rate which remains high because of the presence of high number of illegals from across the border mainly from Southern Philippines, a chief contributor.

  25. There is a need for more private venturing in order for Sabah to curb poverty. One of the jewels in the crown that the reformist Chief Minister wears is the piece of information that the The Sabah Development Corridor, launched in 2008, has investment commitments exceeding RM63 billion, of which more than RM16 billion have been realised. Whatever it is, be it the enhanced law and order, improved roads, surging construction activities or the increasing investor faith, architect of revived Sabah Musa Aman needs to be spoken well of. After all, it is not for nothing that Prime Minister Najib showered praises on him.

  26. The economic wonder has not sprung up from nowhere. Massive reorganization was undertaken and implemented. The one thing that Musa Aman propagated with the aim of Sabah’s betterment is ‘discipline’. Now the taxi driver says they are taking home more money since they are commuting passengers even after 10 pm.

  27. It is a clear indication that Musa Aman has satisfied the people, something politicians are here for. There is a lot left to be done for Sabah’s development, along with the one big hurdle Sabah has to tackle — the growing “ILLEGALS with Malaysian Identity Cards” menace. Musa Aman’s ‘discipline’ would expectantly act as the panacea once again.


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