Wednesday, June 27, 2012


WALKABOUT....Musa (centre) accompanied by Masidi, Yong, Abidin and others doing the walkabout at the Sembulan River Park.

KOTA KINABALU: The first phase of the 25.3km pedestrian walkway project from Tanjung Aru to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Likas would start this year, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

He said the project costing RM38 million and divided into four phases was one of three tourism projects identified in the implementation of the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) programme.
Speaking on Sunday night at the official opening of Sembulan River Park in Sadong Jaya which is under the purview of the Kota Kinabalu City Council (DBKK), Musa said another of the tourism projects was the Atkinson Clock Tower beautification project.

Located near Padang Merdeka here, Atkinson Clock Tower which was completed in 1905 is an important heritage site of the state. The beautification project estimated to cost RM12 million, is expected to commence next year.

On the Sembulan River Park project, Musa said it was a three-phase tourism project costing a total of RM45 million under the SDC.

He said with the completion of the riverfront project, the Sembulan area had changed face in tandem with rapid development in the surrounding areas and in keeping with Kota Kinabalu’s status as a natural resort city.

Musa said the state government, conscious of the financial burden and major responsibilies of DBKK, had allocated RM19 million for DBKK to carry out development projects and maintenance works compared to RM17 million last year.

He said these included garbage collection, maintenance of landscapes along the main roads and of drains and monsoon drains.

The Chief Minister also assured City Hall that the state government will always support its efforts to beautify the city and surrounding areas.

“I will assist and seek financing if not for all the beautification projects but for most of them,” he said.

Musa added that the state government would strive to increase its financial resources to ensure that all the beautification plans as well as programs are realized.

“We will implement projects that we feel are important and I believe that there are many areas with potential in the city that can be developed into tourist attractions,” he said, adding that the government always has the interest of the people at heart.

Musa said the Sembulan River Park also indirectly improves public facilities in the city and can be a tourist attraction for the state.

He also pointed out that Sabah’s political stability is among the reasons for the increase in tourist arrivals to the state.

“It is therefore very important that we preserve the existing unity and harmony so that more tourists will visit Sabah,” he said and stressed that no tourists would want to visit a place that is in turmoil.

Musa also said he was impressed with the changes in Sembulan which is now cleaner and more beautiful.

He praised City Hall for its continued effort as well as commitment towards the cleanliness, safety and comfort of the city.

Earlier, Mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir said DBKK planned to create a network of better pedestrian walkways in nearby areas, connecting such spots as the State Museum, Islamic Museum, State Mosque, Sacred Heart Church and the railway station which are within 10 minutes’ walk from the Sembulan River Park. (theborneopost)


  1. dgn adanya laluan ini, ia dpt memastikan keselamatan para pejalan kaki.

    1. pasti ramai yang menggunakan laluan ni. boleh juga kurangkan kereta di jalan:)

    2. Bagus juga la ada laluan seperti ini di buat, keselamatan lebih terjamin.

  2. harap projek ini berjalan lancar.

  3. makin bertambah daya tarikan pelancong di KK ni.harap tiada vandalisme yang mencacatkan keadaan.

  4. I just hope the project will be completed according the schedule and the cleanliness of these areas will be maintained.

    1. Federal government has allocated RM100 million from Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera (Teraju) RM2 billion facilitation fund to finance Bumiputera development initiatives in the SDC.

  5. Harap projek ini akan berjalan dengan lancar dan siap mengikut tarikh yang di tetapkan.

  6. SDC projects will fit in with the 12 National Key Result Areas (NKEAs) of the ambitious 1.4 trillion ringgit Economic Transformation Programme of PM Najib Razak to turn Malaysia into a high-income country by 2020. Generating multi media content for computers, the internet, telecommunication and broadcasting is one under the Communications Content and Infrastructure.

  7. kalau sudah siap nanti, boleh la orang awam dan para pelancong bersiar2, bersantai atau jongging di sepanjang laluan itu..

  8. Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic,thank you!

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  9. Pembangkang dengki rekod cemerlang Musa Aman

    Laporan Ketua Audit Negara juga mengakui bahawa Sabah sebagai salah satu negeri yang memiliki rekod terbaik dalam pengurusan kewangan serta berjaya mengekalkan Sijil Tanpa Teguran selama 12 tahun berturut-turut. Selain itu, Sabah juga berjaya mengekalkan penarafan tertinggi ‘AAA’ oleh RAM Rating Services Berhad selama 4 tahun berturut-turut kerana kedudukan fiskal negeri yang mantap dengan lebihan yang berterusan, serta mendapat persijilan ISO 9001:2008 oleh Moody International untuk pengurusan bajet negeri yang efisien dan teratur bagi tempoh 4 tahun berturut-turut.


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