Saturday, June 2, 2012

Stop avoiding blame and pass a Public Safety Act, PKR slams BN over drag race tragedy

Stop avoiding blame and pass a Public Safety Act, PKR slams BN over drag race tragedy
I refer to the statement by Youth and Sports Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek that the Motorsports Association Malaysia(MAM) should have advised the Ministry properly on the drag race that injured 17 persons.This is a cynical and irresponsible attempt by the Minister and the BN government to avoid blame for the accident.
The event was organised by the BN government and attended by Prime Minister Najib and his cabinet. Legally and morally, the BN federal government bore full responsibilty to ensure the safety of all participants and visitors.
Having summoned thousands of youths to join the Putrajaya gathering, the BN government cannot just shift the blame to MAM or the organisers. Eye-witness accounts state that there were no barriers at the drag race, causing severe injuries when the car went off track and rammed into the crowd.
How could the government have been so negligent and reckless as to allow the drag race to be carried on in those circumstances?
No one bothered to take responsibility, all kept quiet
Despite the serious injuries suffered by the victims, there have been no satisfactory answers from the government. Instead Minister Shabeery Cheek has been busy making baseless attacks upon Keadilan leaders for allegedly politicising the issue.
At the very least, the BN government is guilty of negligence and recklessness in allowing the event to take place without basic and adequate safety precautions. Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Ministers must understand and accept that public safety is paramount. This tragedy raises serious questions about the safety and health standards at public events in our country.
We call upon Prime Minister Najib to ensure the passing of a Public Safety Act so that all such future events are properly regulated. Further,an independent and impartial investigation panel must be appointed to investigate the incident.
We also call upon Minister Ahmad Shabeery Cheek to accordingly accept responsibilty for this public disaster and do the needful. If he persists to shift blame and resort to further politicking, it is best that he resigns from his ministerial position and accept responsibility for this public disaster.
Vice Presidents,

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