Saturday, June 2, 2012

Subs, thugs and a 'Yang Beruk' govt: So, what now? Unite and take the plunge, of course!

Subs, thugs and a 'Yang Beruk' govt: So, what now? Unite and take the plunge, of course!
Public institutions are supposed to be the pedestal of democracy; herein lies the desire of the public to have something “pure and holy”, a sanctuary almost, which can be a visible image of justice and equality. In a true democracy, these institutions are supposed to protect and defend the ordinary rakyat. They work for the interests of the rakyat.
But, what do we have here, in Malaysia?
A “Yang Beruk” wants an alternative Bar Council because to him, someone who has the powers-that-be for “sleeping partners”, it appeared to be partisan. I don’t see this “Yang Beruk” asking for an alternative Bank Negara which gambled our fortune away some time back, on the behest of the old lion.
“Yang Beruk” is also not asking for an alternative MACC, at whose hands a father-to-be plunged to his death, the excuse being he committed suicide. Come on, this is a no brainer!
Lies, cheating, corruption and even murder
Someone sells national secrets, amidst the murder of another, and he jets away to a faraway land, holidaying till kingdom come. Meanwhile, those in cahoots with him are still “lording” over the rest of us. I bet those two hooded during the infamous trial will never be served their just desserts for we don’t even know how they look like. “Sandiwara” is what the powers-that-be are really good at!
Figures are being dished out to say we will never go bankrupt. But, can we believe anything they say, now? It’s not just about heading towards a national debt exceeding the constitutionally allowed 55% of our GDP but it is the rate that we are borrowing! It won’t be long before we surpass the 90% of some European nation that is threatening to throw the whole world into economic turmoil!
The powers-that-be borrow to give chicken-feed to the rakyat while they share the ill-gotten ends with their cronies. Someone once said selling away sand to another nation was treason, what has he got to say about what’s happening at the Felda schemes? Chief operator there deemed to be an illegal co-op member, yet no by-law to sack him? What does “illegal” mean? Not, thieves, meh, when he and the likes of him want to gather fruits without first, planting the trees!
Political thuggery at its worst and the EC is afraid of cartoons? How come “Yang Beruk” is not asking for an alternative EC when this one refuses to clean up the electoral roll and to implement reforms that can indeed allow us to have a shot at being a democracy?
Spending on what we don’t have and on what we don’t need. A military budget where a huge portion goes into the pockets of you- know-who, that far exceeds what would suffice to lift our brothers and sisters out of poverty. Are their actions ever justified?
Court of Conscience
The powers-that-be say, “Come, let us know your concerns. “ Well, we are very concerned that a minister’s family is linked to corruption to the tune of RM250 million. She may not be part of the “awarding” of such a huge angpow but why should the public be supporting her family’s lifestyle? The law may clear her but not the Court of Conscience.
Now, instead of going after the corrupt ones, the powers-that-be may be trying to use the “law” to go after those who are bringing corruption to light! What are we, here? A tyranny? What are laws for? To go after those who hanker for justice? This is a real, bad joke!
A girl was kidnapped and almost raped a few days ago. Yesterday, a baby went missing in a car-jack. A brave deejay was abducted by the Sarawak’s Gestapo. People die while under interrogation. What is the PDRM doing? Why trash innocent folks who just want clean, free and fair elections? I remember many years ago, me and my husband use to say this, “When the police want to, they can solve cases real fast. They are quite good, you know.” Reminiscing of the good old days.
This powers-that-be is no more a sanctuary for us. We are no more safe with them. So, let’s take “Yang Beruk’s” advice. Let’s have an alternative government. A failed one must give way to something better, don’t you agree, “Yang Beruk”?
Go for the alternative then
An alternative government where power lies in service, not one that hankers for grandiose and an obsession for quantity while forgetting that the essential is in quality; namely, our quality of life and our dignity as a human. For truly, the prosperity of the people is not derived by illusions of grandeur for this would only result in the demand of imposition of “forced labour”. Are we not paying a lot more now for essential items, just to feed our corrupt powers-that-be? Don’t we have to work a lot harder, now, for less?
An alternative government whose “servants” are required to know their electorates very well and their problems. And act on it, and not just when elections are around the corner! Whose “servants” exercise the supreme rule of conduct which is to seek what is good for their electorates and to respect the conscience of others, including no butt-flashing!
An alternative government who allows the same access to all Malaysians, amenities and privileges for the betterment of the people. What is good for Ali, should be good for Ah Gu, Balan, Rita, Salang, etc. For example, make English-stream schools a reality, an option. International Schools are only meant for children of the rich, expats and perhaps, the powers-that-be. Believe me, the status of the national language can never be jeopardized. I can’t, for the life of me, be able to produce a Bahasa Malaysia essay, the way my children can. Our national language has really come a long way. No worries, there.
An alternative government who will return the inheritance of the people to the people. I’m talking about riches derived from the land; black gold is one. There’s no reason why Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Terengganu should not enjoy the fruits of their labour or the riches that come with their land.
An alternative government who won’t take poison from another country to hurt their own. Till we have the proper infrastructure or have God gift us a huge desert, we don’t need such trash. Zombies will not be able to enjoy the “riches” so promised.
An alternative government who knows how best to assuage race-relations in our multiracial nation. One who can juggle the delicate act of coupling diversity with unity, where the word “proselytizing” is anathema. Unity is not uniformity.
An alternative government who will allow true democracy to flourish in this land of ours, not the tyranny we have now. Why can’t the present-powers-that-be see that an imposed order destroys both the one who accepts it and the one capable of silencing his adversaries? So clear, no?
An alternative government whose members engage in frankness, sobriety, cleanliness of language and imagination. Unlike those who peep into bedrooms and closets of others and come up with broken records, again and again. Dull people trying to drive the country forward, talking about creativity, ingenuity and whatnots.
The Opposition, you must unite
We can see how badly we need an alternative government. We can also see how badly we will be cheated at the polls. It’s a numbers game, here. Every vote counts. So, what can we do? What can I, a mere homemaker do? I’m asking each and every one I know who’s eligible to vote, to come out and vote.
I’m asking friends, family, relatives and anyone I come into contact with to forget about the mainstream media except to wrap rubbish or clean glass doors and windows, and to tune into the internet, to alternative media to be informed. For those who know of folks who can’t be informed the way some of us can, please do the needy and let them know the reality on the ground. So that they are able to make an informed choice when elections come.
We need an alternative government. The government in waiting, then, must be prepared. To be fair to Tunku Aziz, he was right when he said, you can’t barge into Putrajaya and hit the ground, running! The Opposition, you must unite. Whoever is not for the present government, you are in the Opposition and you must be one. We cannot afford split votes, not a single one.
Instead of being discouraged by the problems you face with each other because of the differences you have, first things first. Bury those egos! We cannot form an alternative government unless you people, first, do away with divisions and the need to satisfy vanity or self-assertion. I’m sure you know the first thing to do is to identify what you already have in common. You all come with different strengths and you can’t win this war unless you each place your talents and resources at the service of the others.
Funeral rites for the BN
All those not in one with the present powers-that-be, we can’t vote in an alternative government unless there’s one. Reconciliation cannot be achieved without having voluntary victims. Don’t be divided over sterile arguments. Please compromise like your life depends on it. Our lives depend on it! This is the best shot you have and it might not come again.
The old lion said that the nation now is being ruled by the minority. My parents taught me not to be rude, so let’s not correct him. Let us then, those who want change, be the minority he attributed to, albeit an active one for it is said that active minorities are the ones that make history and it is small events that make up great history.
We may be the ordinary rakyat, the common folks, but herein lies our strength. We have a common concern and we can do this – we can resuscitate our beloved motherland back to life, a life she so richly deserves. How? We need to accord the present powers-that-be funeral rites. For one to grow the other must die, let’s bury them at the polls.
God bless.
Malaysia Chronicle

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