Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Photo: LATEST!

French investigations say that there are NO RECORDS of "Altantuya Shaaribu" entering France because she entered France under the name of "AMINAH BT ABDULLAH"!!!

Could the rumours whispered by some UMNO people about Najib MARRYING Altantuya secretly as a 2nd wife be TRUE?

Was she pregnant with Najib's child?

Was THIS the reason WHY Abdul Razak Baginda's wife was crying and screaming outside the Court House: 

"My husband is NOT the next Prime Minister to be!"

Could this also explain "WHY" the 2 Police Officers charged for carrying out her murder were also known to be the BODYGUARDS of ROSMAH MANSOR???

Only time will tell as investigations continue!


French investigations say that there are NO RECORDS of "Altantuya Shaaribu" entering France because she entered France under the name of "AMINAH BT ABDULLAH"!!!

Could the rumours whispered by some UMNO people about Najib MARRYING Altantuya secretly as a 2nd wife be TRUE?

Was she pregnant with Najib's child?

Was THIS the reason WHY Abdul Razak Baginda's wife was crying and screaming outside the Court House: 

"My husband is NOT the next Prime Minister to be!"

Could this also explain "WHY" the 2 Police Officers charged for carrying out her murder were also known to be the BODYGUARDS of ROSMAH MANSOR???

Only time will tell as investigations continue!

-w.i.w.c [Curi]

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