Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who Is Vell Paari?

Vell Paari, is the son of Samy Vellu, who currently manages MAIKA Holdings and is advisor of Putera MIC and MIC Youth. He was also appointed as Chairman of Unity and Community Development of MIC by its Central Working Committee. His wife Shaila Nair, 33, is also active in Puteri MIC, a special wing of MIC for Malaysian Indian women below 35 years old.

This rag to riches(with the help of UMNO) son of a former minister in the BN government has some bizzare and questionable past behind him.

In 2011 Vell Paari told The Malay Mail of his involvement in OKA Motor Co., the trading name of Reymer Pty Ltd, that he controls in Australia besieged by the disappearance of millions of dollars, missing accounting files and stolen intellectual  property manual.Read the full story here.

More mysterious is the death of  actress K.Sujatha who worked for Vell Paari as his personal assistant.He also bought her a condominum and a car on a strictly employer/employee relationship he claimed.Read the story hereand here .

From the Nutgraph below:

Maika Holdings Bhd chief executive officer S Vell Paari told the coroner’s court here today that he never had a sexual relationship with his personal assistant K Sujatha.
He said his relationship with her was close and normally when he visited Sujatha at her condominium unit in Jalan Ipoh, it was for official reasons and if there were functions there.
He said he never paid her casual visits.
Vell Paari, 46, also admitted that Sujatha had visited him at home on numerous occasions and both of them had gone out for dinners.
“Sujatha had accompanied me for official and family functions,” he said.Read more here.

Vell Paari behaved as if he lost his wife at Sujata’s funeral.Read here.

The young and beautiful K.Sujatha

 I am sure many beautiful young Indian girls must have envied Sujatha for having such a good boss who takes care of her personal needs without any string attached.

The type of car he bought for her.

Vell Paari: My father rejected Tunship here.

The Melayu Bodoh (UMNO) who made him and his father rich gets a stinking attack here.

A frog in the making?

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