Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who's listening to Najib? Not the racists

FREE YOURSAY 'Despite uttering racist remarks, still nothing happens to the errant MP. What message does that send to the non-Malays who are citizens as well?'

Hansard causes further 'hang Ambiga' furore
your sayS Vellu: Sri Gading MP Mohamad Aziz is a racist bigot who should be the one ‘hanged'. Why is no one referring him to the House privileges committee?

And looking at the Hansard, Lenggong MP Shamsul Anuar Nasarah who supported him for his remark on Bersih co-chief Ambiga Sreenevaasan should be ‘hanged' too.

All Indians should wake up - since MIC and its loud mouthed MP P Kamalanathan is not going to do anything about such racist insults, we should vote them out.

Ksn: As though his call to hang Ambiga was not bad enough, we have to stomach even more amazing references to race and ‘pendatang'.

And despite uttering racist remarks, still nothing happens to the errant MP. What message does that send to the non-Malays who are citizens as well?

MCA, MIC and PPP cannot do a damn thing because the PM has advised (read: instructed) them to be sensitive (read: accept) to other BN partners (read: Umno).

Lim Chong Leong: Why, when the Umno MP was talking about ‘pendatang' and ‘awang hitam', must he mention Ambiga? It shows that at the end of the day, Umno is made of racists from top to bottom.

Onyourtoes: I don't know what this piece is trying to get at; even without the benefit of reading the full text of the Hansard, I think everyone knows what and who this MP was talking about.

Only nincompoops or those trying to be pseudo-neutral would try to water down what this MP was saying. Look at Gading MP's consistent pattern of behaviour, ladies and gentlemen.

Anonymous #07443216: Some of Umno MPs are form five dropouts, some may be worse, so how can the rakyat expect these MPs to lead them?

Every slightest topic for which they cannot produce a sound counter-argument, they would resort to the same old reply: "Leave the country if you do not like what's happening here."
Anak JB: How can we move together as a nation when the mentality and the mindset of some of our politicians are bigoted and racist?

While the United States president is now an African American, we are still caught in a time warp and are still mired in divisive racial politics.

I am not too sure what our education system is churning out and this MP is probably another product of BTN (Biro Tatanegara).

It won't surprise me that due to Umno's hegemonic politics, their coalition partners will be wiped out in GE13. Gerakan is already gone, and MCA and MIC will follow suit.

Then we will be left with a solely Malay-based party in the corridors of power which would mean even worse racial polarisation.

Odin: Despite all the prejudice against the Indians, for their dark skin especially, not even one of the bigots in Malaysia has until today shown any intelligence equal to that exhibited by a number of those people whom they so despise.

We all know of famous Indians, but here is one known only to and much respected by mathematicians and theoretical astrophysicists - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar.

In 1928, while sailing from India to UK to study at Cambridge, he worked out what is known as 'Chandrasekhar's Limit'. Besides Einstein himself, only two others at that time were familiar with general relativity - the British astronomer Arthur Eddington and Chandrasekhar. In 1928, Malayans were still as good as primitives.

As for the problems caused by immigrants, Mohamad Aziz has amply illustrated his abyssal ignorance of Malaysia's affairs in not knowing who has been responsible for their presence in Malaysia. When you have MPs like him, you don't wonder why Malaysia is retrogressing.

Fair&Just: The gist of Batu MP Tian Chua's speech is the level of safety in the country, but we have half-baked MPs telling Chua to leave the country if he thinks it is no longer safe.

These half-baked MPs should look after the safety of the rakyat and not made personal attacks.

The undertones and/or outright remarks are bigoted and racist in nature. Calling names also reflect the character and upbringing of a person or the low level of professionalism in the August house.

AF McLaren: Why should Tian Chua or Ambiga or anyone for that matter leave the country because he or she doesn't feel safe here?

The government of the day should be the one to leave office. If they don't then they have to be voted out.

Anonymous #43051382: The right answer to ‘if the country is no longer safe for Malaysian citizens' is, we should change the BN government for not doing their job. - Malaysiakini

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