Monday, July 2, 2012

The Claims of Elephants Flying At The Sky

The Malaysian Insider today reported of concerted attacks on Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Engahead of the coming general election. According to the piece, it said that lopsided articles written on the Penang Hill development and Perkasa's scuffle with the CM's entourage at the Teluk Bahang were part of a concerted effort by BN to retake Penang after it lost almost 75% of the state seats.

Of course, from day one, BN couldn't stomach a victory and started to behave like a person trying to find lice in the hair. Another thing is part of the hit and pressure strategy to keep Guan Eng at bay, forcing him to defend things here and there as well as limiting his movements. Perkasa, like a spoiled child starts to make excuses a.l.a. "I didn't do it thing".

The next two things happened is more or less the same, both reported by Malaysiakini. Utusan's weekly column starts to paint DAP as another PAP again with and keeps harping the non-existential plan by Singapore with DAP as proxy if Barisan loses and Pakatan takes over. It instead becomes a laughing stock because it was UMNO alone that was harping those problems in the 60s while Singapore was part of the federation before its 1965.

And then of course you have one of the famous faces that keeps harping the minority spectre - Dr. Mahathir himself. However, it is almost impossible to match that non-existential claim because it's not just of how many seats each of Pakatan partners will contest but it's also by the population numbers in breakdown. It's is nowhere possible except unless a person is naive or in the blue.

I have watched several times Chegubard said in his series of ceramahs of when Kamarul Bahrin defeated Sothinathan in Teluk Kemang (near Port Dickson) in the last GE, many who are naive screamed of the non-existential claim of Malays losing power whereas the man who won is a Malay himself! The strange perverted claim also happened in other places including Bandar Tun Razak, Kuantan and Kota Raja - (note if you view any of 40+ minute ceramahs on YouTube, you'd notice it.  

The non-existential claims are mainly targeted at the naive and the clueless audience. It is designed for one main reason: to keep people believing that elephants can fly on the sky. It is an allegory to a claim that turns out to be false - realized only after a mistake has been made, built on the premise of the low educated society coupled with high-handed tactics to bully people - the boss into submission.

To this day, when will people wake up from believing those silly things has still yet to be answered. How to get them can be answered in a crude or otherwise manner. Other questions like who, where, why and what have been showed to everyone. Some can be discovered along the way, while some have been laid.

I know I would want to rant again at specific people in the society that are still believing that elephants fly but it wouldn't take it that far. We too have ourselves to blame for not doing harder than was before, I mean way back even before Pak Lah was the PM.

By the way, what does this notice tell you then?


Umno creating racial bogeymen to woo Malay voters, PR leaders say

Umno is playing a dangerous game of lies by stoking up fears that could split Malaysia along racial lines in its bid to win over Malay voters at the polls, two Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders said today.

Their remarks come after a Mingguan Malaysia columnist Awang Selamat accused the Singapore's ruling People's Action Party (PAP) of having ties with Chinese-dominant Malaysian party, DAP, to influence the 13th general elections here due within a year.

Mingguan Malaysia is the weekend edition of Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and "Awang Selamat" is a pseudonym adopted by the paper's editorial team that often reflect the ruling party's views.

The DAP's Lim Kit Siang (picture) claimed today that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's uncertainty in winning the next general election has resulted in "desperate" tactics by Umno leaders and strategists.

Awang had accused Lim of being one of former Singapore prime minister Lee Kuan Yew's "trusted men" and former press secretary.

The DAP national parliamentary leader denied Awang's allegations and described them as "downright lies."

"I was never involved in PAP during my years as a reporter in Singapore from 1961 to 1964... I was never press secretary to Kuan Yew although I worked for a period in the press section of the Ministry of Culture," Lim said in a statement today.

He said it was not the first time Umno has raised such unsubstantiated allegations, pointing out that Utusan and other media linked to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) have accused the DAP of conspiring to create a Christian Malaysia state, appoint a Christian prime minister and abolish the existing constitutional monarchy system led by the Malay sultans.

Lim added that Umno/BN cybertroopers had even claimed that he was responsible for the May 13 racial riots in 1969, while he was never even in Kuala Lumpur at the time.

"In desperation, Umno leaders and strategists including Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed have now resorted to a two-prong offensive- firstly, playing the race card to create racial suspicion and distrust to win the Malay heartland in utter disregard of Mahathir's Bangsa Malaysia and Najib's 1 Malaysia concepts; and secondly, a vilification and demonization campaign against DAP and Pakatan Rakyat leaders," Lim said.

He said Umno's heightened attacks against opposition leaders proved that PM Najib is not confident about winning the next elections.

Attacks against PR leaders have intensified ahead of the next GE, with many pro-BN mainstream media publishing lopsided reports of events.

"The 13th GE is going to be the dirtiest election in the half-century history of Malaysia," said Lim.
But PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar believes Umno's "divide and rule" strategy may not necessarily result in a GE win, saying that a mere ten per cent voter swing in PR's favour would impact BN's position.

"What people forget is that last GE, out of 139 BN seats, 56 were won with a majority of less than 10 per cent, and a 10 per cent swing in PR's favour would negatively impact BN's rule.

"Out of this 56 BN marginal seats, 14 are from Sabah and Sarawak, while the remaining 22 are multi-ethnic , in Peninsular malaysia - with less than 70 per cent Malay voters," she told The Malaysian Insider.

"Their true and tested racial tirade against their political opponents won't be as effective as previous years, as more Malaysians and Malays gain access to new media.

"Clearly, Najib's just a false democrat bent on playing the same old game as his UMNO counterparts, and that's sorely disappointing," the Lembah Pantai MP added.

Singapore was a part of Malaysia until it was kicked out of the federation in 1963. Ties between the two nations have been tense over the years, notably during Lee's administration of the republic while Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was Malaysia's prime minister until 2003.

The bilateral ties that warmed significantly after Datuk Seri Najib Razak took office in 2009, however, has cooled again in recent weeks after several right-wing Malay groups accused three Singapore envoys of taking part in a chaotic street demonstration led by electoral reform group Bersih.

Najib has publicly denounced the April 28 demonstration as an attempt to overthrow his government.

- A Little Taffer's Room

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