Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kit Siang denies links with Kuan Yew

DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang has rubbished Utusan Malaysia’s claim that he had once served as a press secretary to former Singaporean prime minister Lee Kuan Yew.

In a press release today, Kit Siang described the allegations as “downright lies”, pointing out that he was never involved with the PAP during his stint as a reporter in Singapore during the early 1960s.

Kit Siang clarified that he had worked “for a period” in the press section of Singapore’s Culture Ministry and was once the secretary-general of Singapore’s National Union of Journalist.

Utusan Malaysia is living up to its reputation as ‘lies-paper’,” said Kit Siang, referring to the Bisik-bisik column that appeared inMingguan MalaysiaUtusan’s Sunday edition.

Written by the mysterious Awang Selamat, widely believed to be a pen name for Utusan’s senior editorial staff, the article claimed that Singapore will use DAP as a proxy to achieve its ambitions for Peninsula Malaysia. 

Awang Selamat never detailed what these ambitions are, but said Lee’s efforts to build ties with the Penang government, after Pakatan Rakyat had taken over the state administration, signals Singapore’s goal of dethroning BN.

Kit Siang said that the attack against him today was the result of an intensified campaign to demonise the DAP and Pakatan because Umno was not confident about the upcoming general election. 
Umno cybertroopers are worse

He also noted that there are even more outrageous allegations against him that have surfaced on the Internet, which he blamed on Umno “cybertroopers”. 

Among the allegations was that Kit Siang was in Kuala Lumpur on May 13, 1969 instigating a race riot. 

“In actual fact, I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1969, something which could be easily verified in the media at the time and by the police records,” said Kit Siang. 

He said that he was standing for the parliamentary seat of Bandar Melaka and on the morning of the day where the riot broke, he had boarded a plane to Kota Kinabalu to help campaigning there. 

The election in Sabah was delayed for two weeks after the election in Peninsula Malaysia had concluded. 

Kit Siang said that an “even more monstrous” allegation made by these cybertroopers accuses his son Guan Eng, the currently DAP secretary-general, of having a hand in the May 13 riots.

He pointed out that at the time, Guan Eng was only eight-years-old.

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