Monday, July 30, 2012

Rise in crime due to police inefficiency

FREE YOURSAY 'The mushrooming of private security services is a symptom of a failing police force and poor law enforcement.'

'Give us tax rebates for money spent on guards' 

your sayAbasir: When the government, after 55 years, repeatedly fails to provide basic security for the people after collecting taxes to do so, the people have no choice but to barricade themselves and hire private guards.

This situation ought to be a constant source of embarrassment for the regime. But given its insensitive nature, it chooses to ignore the 'elephant in the room' and instead lies about 'promises kept'.

When Pakatan Rakyat takes over, it should fix the root cause, i.e. gross police inefficiency and apathy, re-order its priorities within a set time frame and in the interim, compensate those who have to pay for Umno's criminal negligence of public safety.

Swipenter: The mushrooming of private security services is a symptom of a failing police force and poor law enforcement.

We don't feel safe because the police are not doing their duty properly and effectively. So the long-term solution is to fix and reform the police and meanwhile engage private security services as a short-term measure.

As far as my experience goes, such schemes work, provided the resident's associations are very strict with the services and guards employed by the security firms.

I have been subscribing to such a scheme for the last three years. Petty crimes, snatch thefts, break-ins and armed robberies have been reduced very significantly.

There were even a few cases of runaway maids being stopped by the guards. No scheme is perfect and theft proof, but at least we got the crime down to an acceptable level.

Most months we have zero crime committed in our ‘taman' (garden) now. Offering tax rebates is not a solution, reforming the police is.

Ksn: What about those areas where there are no private security arrangements and those who cannot afford the payments?

Public safety is the job of the police, its function and responsibility. If they do not have enough personnel to manage and provide that, then increase it.

The government and police cannot run away from that role. No alternate arrangements are going to work, definitely not for the long term. The police should do whatever is necessary to lift themselves to that level.

Bumiasli: First of all, has engaging security services at residential estates reduced crime?

I know of many robberies in areas with such security. Secondly, the security is not all that effective. I have driven through such security posts with minimum effort.

Asking for tax rebates is not a wise move as this is an unnecessary service. People should learn to better community relations rather than engage strange foreigners to protect their homes.

Blind Freddo: The setting up of security ghettos was a delusion with no objective evidence; their maintenance is a delusion with no objective evidence.

But when you are paranoid about security and not prepared to do anything for yourself, the security company is the perfect solution to your delusion.

Throw a few ringgit at the problem, then wash your hands of any further responsibility. If you think some third world dropout is interested in your security, then you truly are deluded.

What they want is money for as little work as possible and if that means they can ride around on a cool bike with an even cooler walkie talkie... then they are in heaven.

And now you want a tax break for something you yourself chose to do. I'm astounded!

KPNG: For critics of private security schemes, let me say this.

Firstly, it is acknowledged the crime situation today is worsening, so residents are resorting to private security schemes, and these people, together with the guards, believe they are solving a problem too ‘big' for the cops (who not only carry guns, but receive training).

Secondly, they say "got guards or no guards, also got theft, so no point paying lo". These people are blind to the fact that banks and goldsmith shops hire armed guards, too.

So instead of asking what the society can do for you, ask yourself what can you do for the society. The RM50 a month which gives you peace of mind is bloody worth it. Period.

PS: Some comments focused on the lack of policing and poor services by hired guards. True, the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) has been ineffective in curbing crimes.

Do we keep shouting and do nothing? No, we react and if RT (Rukun Tetangga) is not workable, hiring guards is an option.

Residents lack coordination in times of crisis. A resident security committee allows members to be proactive. In times of distress, the guard is expected to arrive on the scene and do what little he can. A lone guard is not expected to confront the criminals and endanger his own life but to alert the police or call for back-up.

Residents hire ‘rookies' on tight budgets. Like it or not, these ‘rookies' provide the first line of defence and an extra pair of eyes and ears while you sleep.
Some houses are armed with mechanical ‘eyes and ears'. When the alarm went off, do we risk playing the ‘hero' or pass it to ‘the first line of defence'?

Pity Car Buyers: I have been paying security guard fees in my Cheras area for the past two years - all because the government/police are not doing a good job. The people do not feel safe anymore.

There are crimes at car parks, toilets, homes, offices, streets, thefts, and the list go on and on. Only the government/police say the crime rate has gone down. I believe it's not true. Many cases are not reported.

I am also paying for my daughter's and son's taekwondo classes. Can I get tax rebate on that too?

Anonymous #29692505: Fully agreed, it would be better to get rid of BN to solve the problems since it is not capable of provide the rakyat a safe and environmentally-friendly space to live. - Malaysiakini

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