Sunday, July 29, 2012

WHY vote for OPPOSITION to Putrajaya?

Malaysians are having their 13th election fever and just waiting for the moment to caste their vote to shape the future of their lives and nation.

Looking at the ground feeling, the Opposition seem to be gaining an edge over the ruling Barisan Nasional government. The BN of late have been creating a lot of mistakes from making a mockery of the 55th Merdeka celebration, not seeing into rising foodstuff prices which effect every citizen, spending public funds lavishly, talking big but not performing, not curbing street the list goes on.

The reason why the Opposition is having an edge is:

The Opposition promise that if they occupy Putrajaya they will reduce petrol prices, abolish tolls, abolish vehicle excise duty, abolish PTPTN (study loans), control government expenditure (no lavish spending by in-coming PM and his cabinet) and so on.....

With this prudent measure that the Opposition will introduce will BUY VOTES from the Malaysian Voters.

Another factor is Malaysians have had ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with the UMNO/BN who are known to be uncaring, corrupt and ineffective and think they can "buy" their way to win votes.

Malaysians want a brighter future, and looking at the current situation, only the Opposition can deliver.

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