Thursday, August 30, 2012

A big sin to manipulate crime figures, says IGP

Inspector-general of police Ismail Omar has defended the National Key Result Area (NKRA) statistics on crime index, saying there has been no manipulation.

"I will be committing a big sin if I am seen to be manipulating the figures, just to promote that crime under my tenure is under control. I would be committing a big sin to create this false impression to the rakyat. How can we do that, I will not allow my officers to do that.

"Prove to me where the statistics are manipulated, and I will take action on those who do this. It is not true that the government hasgiven us certain targets and we manipulate. If (crime is rampant) I would not be able to face you.

NONE"Action will be taken against those found to have manipulated it. I am open to criticism, and the people and politicians are welcome to see me or my state or district police chiefs if something is not right. Give positive criticism and ideas and don’t just condemn us," Ismail said today.
The IGP said the police force had inherited looking after the security and safety of the country and that is what it intends to do.

He said he took note that there were much publicised incidents of crime and said the police were handling or are investigating them.
“We take note that there are people afraid of crime. We are aware that the public is not satisfied and we respond straight away. Last month there was concern over safety in the malls and we met with the management and directly dealt with them to resolve the safety at parking areas,” he said.

Ismail said this when asked about allegations raised on the manipulation of crime statistics, especially those on index and non-index crime.
‘Work together with the police’

There have been questions about the NKRA statistics and today Petaling Jaya Utara MP and DAP national publicity secretary Tony Pua had raised queries on how the police classify them into index and non-index offences, where non-index offences were not registered as part of the Pemandu statistics.

azlanIndex crime is defined as “crime which is reported with sufficient regularity and with sufficient significance to be meaningful as an index to the crime situation”. “Non-index crime”, on the other hand, is considered as cases minor in nature and do not occur with such rampancy to warrant its inclusion into the crime statistics or as a benchmark to determine the crime situation.

Ismail said there are 300 police personnel from Bukit Aman who are sent out daily to the Klang Valley in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor to help prevent and resolve crime issues.

“They are doing their normal job and in addition they are out on the streets to help reduce crime,” he said.

He further called on the public to work together with the police in curbing crime.

“There has been this bond in the past and this needs to be enhanced further to curb crime,” he said.

Ismail cited that during the recent Ops Selamat, there had been an increase from 4,000 resident owners who registered to inform the police that they are going back to their kampungs last year to 26,000 this year.

“We have managed to increase patrols where there are more than 60,000 visits or patrols conducted to these places. Out of the 26,000 houses which have registered with us, only 23 premises had been broken into during this period.

“This is the kind of public trust and cooperation that the police seek in crime prevention,” he said.

VIDEO|2.39 mins

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