Wednesday, August 29, 2012

As 55th Merdeka looms, Malaysians fret over their future, hanker for CHANGE

As 55th Merdeka looms, Malaysians fret over their future, hanker for CHANGE
Malaysians are gearing up for the 55th Merdeka or Independence anniversary celebrations. But few are feeling joyful and distinctly missing is a sense of involvement. However, that has not stopped Prime Minister Najib Razak and other BN leaders from jumping on the Merdeka bandwagon, trumpeting on a daily basis how fine the country and its economy are doing due to their leadership.
But are the people and the economy really faring so well? Most Malaysians don't feel so. They worry that things will only get worse if the BN continues to stay in power. Should they boot the BN out, avert the national bankruptcy that they can feel in their bones may be inevitable due to the government's prolonged profligacy? Should they put their foot down before apartheid becomes a fixture in the social and political system with Malays and non-Malays permanently divided into 1st and 2nd class citizens?
The best possible way to assess the future of a country is to basically look into certain basic fundamentals. These fundamentals, if accurately gauged and analysed, will give a clear indicator of what’s in store for a nation despite global uncertainties.
In Malaysia, the fundamentals that are often looked into by economists, politicians and others in assessing the economic and political and social climate of the country is considered “narrow” and perhaps even limited.
However, these fundamentals serve a purpose. While BN politicians tinker and manipulate these fundamental factors to suit their agenda and fulfill their purpose, it is the trained eye that is able to filter the truth of Malaysia’s financial and economic standing.
What people with the trained eye say?
What people with a trained eye in this country are saying, first and foremost, is that every country in this world is affected by an America in recession. This goes counter to what BN leaders and politicians are going about saying.
The fact of the matter is that Malaysia has become badly affected in more ways than one by the worldwide recession and the ringgit is now as good in value as “banana money” similar to that which is being printed wholesale by bankrupt countries.
As a simple example, just try cashing and converting ringgit across the Causeway in Singapore into the dollars of that country and see what value you get for your ringgit.
The dismal amount you end up getting for your “large amounts of ringgit” shows that the currency has little value or standing in countries where having real money counts and matters.
The reason why the ringgit is diminishing in value is because Malaysia has lost its competitive edge in a globalized world and is now starting to sink into an abysmal low in all sectors of the economy.
While not revealing the truth, the ministry of finance and Bank Negara Malaysia has begun to play a dodgy game of being evasive in declaring to Malaysians the true and actual financial and economic standing of the country.
Malaysians have all along been lulled into a state of complacency to the point they swallow wholly whatever government propaganda and statistics that are being spewed by the BN information machinery in pulling wool over the eyes of the people.
But a thorough and close inspection, and upon cross-checking and verifying the figures of economic growth for the first and second quarter of this year, which has been released by the ministry of finance, will cause any student of the Malaysian economy to shoot holes in BN’s assertion that the economy is doing well.
Malaysians are no longer buying the bull
It is for precisely this reason that most Malaysians are no longer buying the bull. By what they witness in their daily lives and surroundings, Malaysians who now command a better education and are better informed, are able to read between the lines of government machinery churning scenarios of grandeur and the future of the nation in reality.
The painful reality for Malaysians in the know is that the country faces a hard struggle ahead. And this struggle is set to become a protracted crisis by the fact that the quest for power and the right to govern has become not just acrimonious but to a large extent hostile.
But are Malaysians being merely used as pawns in the struggle to retain power by BN? One side of the divide is struggling to gain power, while the other side of the divide is struggling not to relinquish power though it is obvious their time is over.
There is seemingly this ferocious pull and push, and in the process, since the last GE to be exact, Malaysia has stagnated into a state of a muddled mess.
Put the blame entirely on the BN politicians. Their lack of leadership ability, true wisdom, knowledge and sincerity of what it entails to govern a nation has led to the stage being set for Malaysia to see their clock of whatever progress they have achieved over the years being pushed back.
This is what should transpire in the future of the nation if Malaysians are not careful and prolong the reign of the BN government.
What is set to take place by the indicators given, and if these indicators of the country’s fundamentals are assessed accurately, Malaysia faces the dire prospects of a bleak future with the possibility of descending into a rogue nation or failed state.
There is ample evidence now that the rot has begun to set in, and these factors were long festering in this nation but only came to the surface in the last GE, and this 13th GE is expected to become a nerve wrecking experience for Malaysians if BN is not willing to co-operate and play by the rules of the game.
If BN leaders are unable to stand together and agree that they will come clean in the 13th GE, by conducting free and fair polls, unless they are willing to play fair and square, it will be merely wishful thinking for Malaysians to hope for a brighter, better future.
This is where Malaysians have to brace themselves to face an uncertain and a difficult future whereby corruption and injustice should then become a way of life in this country.
From an already bad situation, the rot is expected to deepen and make life in Malaysia even worse should BN hanky-panky be allowed to carry on if they are given the mandate to govern any further.
Cast votes for the “right” candidates only
The only way to safeguard and guarantee a better future for the nation is for Malaysians of all walks of life to carefully and thoughtfully cast their votes and for political parties to present credible and capable candidates to champion the wishes of the people.
It is imperative that Malaysians chose wisely and weigh carefully their choices and for political parties to make a serious bid to secure and win votes by offering the best possible candidates up for election.
A 13th GE that is free and fair can only do a lot of good for the country. The necessity of sticking to democratic principles and abiding by the rules of fair play and justice by political parties, their candidates and voters will reflect well on the maturity of Malaysians.
If Malaysians as a whole gamble on their prospects for the future by subscribing to anything other than playing this 13th GE by the rules of the game, it is set to witness the country expectedly descend into chaos.
The onus of responsibility to ensure the well being and to safeguard the future of Malaysia is with the voter, election candidates and political parties.
The whole machinery of voting and electing candidates should be conducted with great prudence and care and only those who are able to shoulder the responsibility of being elected and are willing to sacrifice and serve will take the country forward.
Malaysia Chronicle

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