Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Groups want Jais to act on politics in mosques

Several Malay NGOs have called on the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) to crack down on political speeches in mosques and suraus, citing incidents where PAS elected representatives had done so.

Those named in their memorandum to Jais today are Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, Kota Raja MP Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, and Selat Klang assemblyperson Halimah Ali.

NONE“Their honorific ‘Yang Berhormat’ is not a ticket for them to be free to do as they please at suraus and mosques,” read the group’s memorandum.
They noted that none of the representatives have credentials from the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council (Mais) to hold talks at the places of worship.

The group of some 40 were led by Gerakan Anti-Penyelewengan Selangor (Gaps) president Hamidzun Khairuddin, but also included members and representatives from six other NGOs, such as Selangor Perkasa, Selangor Jalur Tiga (Jati), and Tolak Individu Bernama Anwar Ibrahim (Selangor Tibai).
They also quoted Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah as reminding the people on July 23 not to use places of worship for politicking.

NONEAfter chanting slogans such as “takbir” and showing their placards to the press, the group walked a short distance to Jais’ headquarters in Shah Alam to hand over the memorandum to Jais officials.

Several police officers kept close watch until the 15-minute protest dispersed peacefully at 11.40am.
In addition to urging Jais to stem politicking at mosques and suraus, the NGOs also urged Jais to standardise the time and duration of the talks (takzirah) held in the breaks between prayers.

“Ideally, we wish it to be held only after solat sunat witir prayers,” they said.

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