Tuesday, August 28, 2012


“MALAYA (in the name of the Federal Government) should stop imposing its will on the people of Sabah and Sarawak and fooling them to celebrate Malayan independence 55 years ago and calling it Malaysian independence,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in his launching speech at the launching of Star Kundasang Zon Tengah in Pinampadan, Kundasang, recently.

“How could these leaders continue to twist history to suit their political interests without consideration of our feelings and the truth?”
“How could they insist us to celebrate Malayan independence which has no relevance to Sabah and Sarawak?” asked Dr. Jeffrey.

The Independence of Sabah and Sarawak

What is important and relevant to Sabah and Sarawak are their own independence, 22nd July 1963 for Sarawak and 31st August 1963 for Sabah, and that of Malaysia Day or the formation of Malaysia on 16th September 1963?

This 16th September 1963 is the true “National Day” that gives all three (3) territories, Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak, a common identity as “Malaysians”.

Wrong Messages Sent on Imposition of Twisted History?

By continuing to impose Malaya’s version of history on Sabahans and Sarawakians, what the government is doing is in fact, alienating the two territories.

By insisting that Malaysia is 55 years old now and not 49, the Federal Government is sending the wrong messages to the people.

Firstly, what the government is doing is teaching the people how to lie and manipulate the facts of history.

Secondly, the Malayan controlled Federal Government is now telling Sabahans and Sarawakians (intentionally or not) that Malaysia was nothing more than a “takeover” project for Malaya and that Sabah and Sarawak are now Malayan states/territories so they (Sabah and Sarawak) must now adopt Malayan historical independence.

“Janji DiTepati” Empty Slogan

If this was indeed Malaya’s real intention, then those promises, assurances, undertakings and persuasions by Tunku Abdul Rahman and other Malayan leaders were all lies or “Janji Terang Bulan”.

And if they were mere “Janji Terang Bulan” then the slogan “Janji DiTepati” is an empty and hollow slogan as far as Sabah and Sarawak are concerned.

Time to Put Things Right

“If we Sabah and Sarawak have been cheated, we have to stop all these nonsense! and start putting things right” concluded Dr. Jeffrey.

The issue is now at the feet of the federal and state governments to put things right. - Sabahkini


  1. STAR dengan pemimpin yang asyik Lompat ini rasanya tidak akan mendapat sokongan seperti abangnya Datuk Pairin Kitingan.

  2. jgn sokong mereka yang suka melompat.

  3. STAR tidak perlu lagi memberikan pelbagai khabar angin untuk meraih sokongan.

    1. Sabah BN component parties’ mission is to keep Sabah as a pillar of the BN government and the Opposition would not have the opportunity to break the dominance of BN in Sabah

  4. Stability of the BN government has enabled the smooth implementation of all development agendas for the benefit of the rakyat

  5. STAR yang patut memperbodohkan rakyat.. mana mungkin kemerdekaan Malaysia menggunakan tarikh kemerdekaan Sabah.. sudah menjadi kebiasaan, jika wujud perbezaan tarikh seperti kemerdekaan di Malaysia, tarikh yang lebih awal akan diguna pakai..

  6. sebenarnya Malaysia juga menyambut Hari Malaysia yang bertujuan untuk memperingati detik2 bersejarah penubuhan Malaysia sekaligus memperingati kemerdekaan Sabah dan Sarawak melalui penggabungan ini..

  7. This spoke volumes about Najib giving priority to development of the state, adding that the opposition front was hard pressed by their lack of issues to harp on.Taking a swipe at the opposition, they said their unkind remarks were merely sweeping statements made to confuse the people.


  8. NKRA is evidence of the prime minister giving priority to the development of infrastructure in Sarawak and Sabah as both states received the biggest allocations, almost the same as the whole of the Peninsula.Countries such as India for instance, which got their independence much earlier than Malaysia, are still improving on their infrastructure.

  9. That is why Malaysia is called a developing country. The fact is Sabah and Sarawak has gone far in the improvement of its infrastructure, and is still continuously improving. That is why Sabah and Sarawak’s rural development cannot afford to be politicised.

  10. Sabah and Sarawak, has never been sidelined in terms of development as seen by the big chunk of allocation given under National Key Result Areas (NKRA). BN leaders here in refuting opposition’s allegation that the state had been neglected in terms of development, cited the frequent visits to the state by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to personally feel and monitor the progress of development in both states.

  11. Najib’s frequent visits to Sabah and Sarawak reflected his care and concern for both Borneon states. Sabahan and Sarawakians should reciprocate by supporting him in his endeavour to bring progress to Malaysia.

  12. The opposition definitely find him a threat in their attempts to take over the government and will always try to show that the federal government has neglected the state’s development.On the other hand, what good things have the opposition ever said about Malaysia and the present government? They are an ungrateful and unappreciative lot who only know how to criticise, criticise, and criticise!

    Even if there are things that are done good, they will find ways and means to find fault to make it look that the programmes are failures.Najib had lived up to his slogan of ‘people first, performance now’. The opposition’s action glaringly reflected that they were desperate, feeling the pinch of running out of issues to harp on for their political mileage.This was because BN had done a good job in bringing about development to Sabah and Sarawak and its people.


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