Friday, September 28, 2012

Hail Tun Dr Mahathir - savior of Malaysia's nationhood!

Hail Tun Dr Mahathir - savior of Malaysia's nationhood!
It looks all set that the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has made himself the most supreme and absolutely indispensable savior for Malaysia. Here is one leader who did no wrong. And even if he did appear to have done damage, it was only because he was ill advised.
Hail the Tun! Here is one leader who alone can make decisions of who will succeed him; and who will succeed whom he chooses to remove from the seat of premiership.
Bravo the Tun! Here is one man who cried on national live telecast before stepping down as premier but only to admit much later how he signs on and signs off subsequent successors.
A salute to Tun! He alone has saved and can keep saving UMNO; he alone can ensure a future for Malaysia. A man whom none can challenge and if they do, woe be thine for the entire government structures and systems will crush the daylight of political hope of such transgressors.
Silence please, the Tun speaks! Here is the anointed evergreen leader who cannot fade and must return for Malaysia is in danger of foreign attack.
Roll out the red carpets! Here is the leader that no one country can match – not Lee Kuan Yew; not even Obama.
Lay prostate before him and him alone who has brought Malaysia fast forward into a Disney-like world of super structures and ivory towers that have put the nation on the global map of grandiose scales.
O ye Tun! Malaysia would have been doomed without you. For you have clipped the Rulers and saved the nation from abuse.
Behold the master, the architect of futuristic Malaysia. For single handedly you have raised terracotta of ‘yes men’ who can only praise you to kingdom come. Oh what a great gift you are to Malaysia.
Crooks shiver in your shadows; wise men fade away on hearing your approach. Such powers you have that no single leader anywhere on planet earth can mach – not even Hitler.
Please oh ye greatest of the great leaders, take over the reins of nationhood again and not let others to lead us into temptation; deliver us from the evils of the opposition oh great leader. Every statement you make these days must be music to our soul; every thought you express is beyond debate by we the ‘stupid and ungrateful’ citizens as you point out.
For you are the only one who can and the only one who has the only political party that can raise Malaysia from being destroyed.
(Thank God, this is only a bad dream).

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