Saturday, September 1, 2012

JB highway takeover: Another scam to DIVERT public money to Umno cronies?

JB highway takeover: Another scam to DIVERT public money to Umno cronies?
PKR has welcomed the takeover of Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL) highway in Johor Baharu, saying it was proof that Pakatan Rakyat’s Orange Book policies are ‘implementable’.
However, the party's strategic director Rafizi Ramli cautioned that it might be an attempt to divert public funds to UMNO-BN linked cronies.
“I am worried that the takeover is just another trick to siphon people’s money to companies close to UMNO-BN as the EDL concessionaire is MRCB which is close to UMNO,” he said in a statement today.
He pointed out that prime minister Najib Razak had lately been splashing people’s money to purchase assets and concessionaires of UMNO cronies amounting to billions of ringgit.
“Prior to this, the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controlled by Najib purchased two independent power producers controlled by Genting and Ananda Krishnan at an exorbitant price of RM7 billion. The two business are often linked to UMNO-BN,” he added.
Rafizi said the transactions were done secretly, and without check and balance to ensure that investments were beneficial to the public.
He urged PR leaders to focus on mobilising the people to demand Najib to name future highways and concessionaires marked for takeover, as well as for the formation of a select committee to ensure transparency and fairness in purchases of major assets from companies of interest.
Rafizi however said the EDL takeover vindicated the principle of economic management outlined in PR's Orange Book which emphasised on people’s welfare and ways to increasing disposable income among citizens.

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