Friday, September 28, 2012

Mahathir's last straw - the Soros card

YOURSAY 'By mentioning anything Jewish, Mahathir believes it's a stigma to the Malays. He can befriend Jews, but others cannot.'

What Dr M told war survivor Soros

your sayIpohcrite: Hell hath no fury like Mahathir scorned. Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad thought he could worm himself into billionaire George Soros' good books, but the latter rejected his offer to lend his name to Mahathir's anti-war project.

Soros knew better than to consort with blokes like Mahathir. Now he has conveniently dug up Soros as a punching bag.

Ferdtan: Who is the real Mahathir? Since his favourite holiday country is Argentina where he used to ride his horse on the pampas, we can only guess that he must be an admirer of the ‘famous' son of Argentina, dictator Juan Peron.

There are similarities in both of them - both are complicated, enigmatic and contradictory in their stands on the nation's matters; economically as well as politically.

In Peron's words: "It is an ideological position which is in the centre, left, or right according to circumstances and we obey the circumstances."

Peron was a populist, fascist, supporter of Nazi Germany, social democrat and a totalitarian. He, like Mahathir, used anti-Semitism as a political tool; even though he had an advisor who was a Jew.

So feel free to choose which one of the above characteristics to be the real Mahathir. Mahathir can both be a friend and an enemy with anyone, even a Jew by the name of Soros if it suits his political expediency. There is one thing he has not - a conviction of principles.

That he has none. Even Shakespeare got it wrong in the Mahathir's context, with his passage "All the world's a stage" - to Mahathir, he is the stage.

#27342##65#: This is Mahathir's last straw, a desperate act before GE13 to get the Malays united behind him. By mentioning anything Jewish, he believes it's a stigma to the Malays.

He can befriend Jews, but others cannot. He has enslaved the Malays for the past 50 years. Wake up, Malay brothers before it's too late. Mahathir is only trying to save his skin.

Soros has proven his point for saying no to Mahathir's invitation. What is a few bucks to billionaires like Soros, it would be just like feeding a stray cat if he were to offer even just his moral support.
But deep in his heart, Soros could not believe that this ‘mother of all liars' could share efforts towards achieving the "ultimate human right". Yes, Soros has been right to take up a position not to support this ‘devil'.

And today the whole world could witness the true character of Mahathir with his slew of attacks on Soros.

Readers are invited to read what Soros had said about Mahathir in his article 'The corruption of Mahathir' in 1998. And I agree with Soros' conclusion of Mahathir, that he is a menace to his country.

Doc: I think Soros may have told Mahathir to go "take a hike" on his request to lend his name to the anti-war movement, and Dr M got pissed off and condemned him thereafter.

Who wants to lend his good name to a person whose best buddy is Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe?

Pemerhati: Mahathir wrote in his letter to Soros, "The bayoneting death of a young British soldier by the Japanese in my hometown had left a lasting impression on me."

In an unrelated incident, the organisers and perpetrators of the Kampong Medan killings have not been identified up to today. There is a strong suspicion and belief that the reason for this is because the incident had the blessings of Mahathir.

The question thus is exactly what sort of a lasting impression did the bayoneting death have on Mahathir?

Dr Jag #04496187: Mahathir also does not talk about the Batang Kali massacre. He does not express any feelings (if he had any) about the innocent unarmed civilians in Batang Kali who had been executed by uniformed, uninformed British soldiers.

The young British soldier was in uniform, like the Japanese soldier Mahathir said he had witnessed. We may condemn war, killings under orders, and all the unspeakable atrocities that come in its wake, but the battlefield is another arena where do or die is the order of the day.

Mahathir never served in the army, navy, or air force, or any armed forces unit as far as I know, so what does he know about war except as a bystander. What did he do to stave off the bayoneting of that young soldier, except to stand and stare fearing for his own life? Is he then hero or zero?

Anonymous #71627369: If Mahathir is so overwhelmed by the killing he had witnessed as a youth, it is curious he has not cried nor taken effort against so many atrocities near our region, starting with East Timor, the annihilation of Sri Lankan Tamils, and our own Orang Asli displacement.

His so-called support to the Palestinian cause is either religious bias or simply political expediency, and I suspect his sincerity in this cause, too.

Plainly: This ex-tyrant cum hypocrite is turning the ethnic Malays against other minorities in his own backyard. What is he mumbling about anti-war efforts?

HYL: Outright killing is wrong, but silent killing off your opponents is okay?

You have killed off then deputy and present PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim's political future, and Hussein Onn's, Tunku Abdul Rahman's, you have killed off the competitive edge of the Malays, you have killed off the economy of Malaysia.

And here you are, Mahathir, preaching that killing is wrong.

Anonyxyz: Whatever information about Mahathir is not a secret, it is in the open. Every piece of information about him clearly indicates that he is the biggest hypocrite, swindler, racist, opportunist and wealth rapist that Malaysia has ever had.

Changeagent: Mahathir is again displaying strong characteristics of a two-headed snake. When it suits his purposes, nemeses can be allies.

And when it doesn't, friends can become enemies overnight and even be falsely accused of destabilising the BN regime.

Starr: Malaysiakini editor-in-chief Steven Gan's two articles are damning indictments of Mahathir's split personalities, craftiness and double standards.

Mahathir's ability to disguise himself from public glare is a reflection of the foolishness of Malaysians in entrusting him to lead the country for 22 years. It's about time for Malaysians to stop being so gullible. - Malaysiakini

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