Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mustapa warns of attempt to turn Malaysia into a republic

Kelantan Umno liaison committee chief Mustapa Mohamed today warned of a possible attempt by certain quarters to turn Malaysia into a republic. 

NONE"Certain quarters seem to be a little too extreme, to the extent of wanting to amend the Federal Constitution and the national flag," he said.  

"This shows that they may want to turn Malaysia into a republic," he said at the opening the Pengkalan Chepa Umno division delegates meeting and the Aidilfitri open house of the Pengkalan Chepa parliamentary constituency.

The meeting was opened by Home Minister and Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein.

God forbid, fatwa supporting demos

Mustapa called on the people to defend the essence of independence achieved 55 years ago to ensure that the country remained stable.

This was necessary when there existed elements in the country trying to destroy the prevailing harmony, he said. 

Mustapa, who is the international trade and industry minister, called on Malaysians to reject a "fatwa" (edict) issued by certain politicians allowing religion to be set aside in garnering political support.  

"Their edict says participation in demonstrations is obligatory. That is wrong. Just imagine if there is bloodshed during an illegal gathering. What will happen?" he asked. 

- Bernama

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