Friday, September 28, 2012

Pakatan must not ape BN

You cannot fix years of injustice and economic plunder overnight – Pakatan must not try to do so. Start by getting BN out of Putrajaya.
Pakatan Rakyat must not do as Barisan Nasional does. BN is a political entity bereft of any saving grace except that for now, it is still the party holding the reins of a tottering government whose last remaining trump card is the election budget that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak intends to buy the general election with.
He is insulting the electorate and deluding himself if he thinks that with this coming election budget, he will be able to hijack the democratic electoral process of our nation to favour BN. He can do nothing more than to rearrange the deck chairs on BN’s Titanic.
In spite of all the bluster, what Najib has been able to do from the time he took over from Pak Lah (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) is to treat the symptoms – and not the cause – of poverty, economic mismanagement and endemic corruption that now burden our country.
Poverty caused by the irresponsible mismanagement of our nation’s wealth for the vested interest of BN and their cohorts and economic mismanagement caused by Najib and his Cabinet when feeding the endemic corruption that plagues our nation.
The cause of the problem is BN. Najib’s treatment of the symptoms of these problems by giving subsidies, cash handouts and some semblance of reforms fools no one – least of all the people of this nation – and will have a consequence. And that consequence Najib and BN will face at the 13th general election when our people decide whether they want BN or Pakatan to form the government.
Good governance
But to form the government Pakatan must take the path less travelled. Affordable housing, cheaper cars and free tertiary education on offer from Pakatan in its budget proposals are all election promises… election policies.
There really is no need for Pakatan to promise us anything but good governance. With good governance will come affordable housing, cheaper cars and free tertiary education. Would it not?
Cheaper cars? Don’t we have enough cars on the roads already? What taxes are going to be increased to make up for the shortfall in tax revenues? Pakatan should be working towards improving public transport and its system nationwide.
Affordable houses? Okay that sounds reasonable. Who will make these affordable houses? Cronies? Again it opens up a can of worms that will be impossible to close.
As for education, there are far too many fundamental questions to be addressed first before we can talk about free tertiary education.
Pakatan must respond to the needs of our people in its budget deliberations – and not to the need to garner votes for the coming election because the people are already mindful of what this BN government has been doing:
BN pillages and plunders our country out of our national wealth. Pakatan does not. BN flaunts its corruption in the face of the rakyat. Pakatan does not.
Get BN out of Putrajaya
And now in this coming budget, BN once again wants to take from our national coffers to repair its image in time for the coming general election. Let me remind Pakatan that when BN throws money at the rakyat that does not mean that the rakyat are stupid enough to forget what BN has done to them.
The electorate is more knowledgeable, more informed and more opinionated to be fooled into giving BN another five years in government.
If Najib wants to buy the election, then he should use the billions he and his BN cohorts have stashed away to pay for the election. We know that you cannot fix years of injustice and economic plunder overnight – Pakatan must not try to do so. Start by getting BN out of Putrajaya. That will be a good start.
In less than a decade the future political leadership of our nation will come from our young adults who espouse global values, hard work, ambition and they will want to be able to have the opportunity to rise to the best of their abilities.
This truth is something that BN will find hard to adjust to because change in BN comes from the top.
Pakatan will be better able to accept this reality because its present strength has been the result of a leadership within Pakatan that works well with the next generation of Pakatan leaders now already in place.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.

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