Thursday, September 27, 2012

Puad: Unreasonable to hold 'V-neck Day'

It is "unreasonable" to organise 'Wear a V-neck Day' on Oct 1 in reaction to an allegedly state-endorsed LGBT-spotting guideline, said Deputy Education Minister Puad Zarkashi.

NONEDenying that the ministry had issued any guideline, Puad said that those planning the V-neck Day on Oct 1 are taking the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issue too lightly.

"There's no gay guidelines, is there? I had asked the parent NGO and they said they didn't issue the guideline.

"So when they do this (organise a V-neck Day), it shows that they are not taking this issue seriously. What they are doing is unreasonable," he told Malaysiakini today.

According to the event's Facebook page, more than 1,000 people have agreed to don V-neck T-shirts next Monday in the event organised through the social media.

[More to follow]

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