Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reveal AES traffic system deal

Reveal AES traffic system deal
The Automated Enforcement System (AES) which has been installed to nab speeding motorists has again come under spotlight, with a call by PAS for details of the agreement involving two companies.
Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd and ATES Road Safety Sdn Bhd were awarded the AES contract, but Transport ministry said the new system was fully owned by the government.
PAS vice president Mahfuz Omar (pic) however questioned the role of the two companies.
“The ministry’s statement did not mention Beta Tegap or ATES which are said to be the developer and implementer of the system. What is their role, and if they really have a role, what are the terms?” he asked.
In April, financial paper The had reported that under the AES system both ATES and Beta Tegap were on a three-tier model profit-sharing plan of revenue from summonses issued by Road Transport Department (RTD).
Both companies would be entitled to RM16 per summonse for the first five million issued. The remaining will be shared with the government up to a cap of RM270 million each.
Mahfuz questioned whether the government would take responsibility to top up any revenue shortage if the targeted RM6 million a year was not reached.
RTD has installed 14 AES cameras in Perak, Selangor, Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur to catch speeding motorists and traffic light violaters.
Its director general Solah Mat Hassan said for speeding cameras, no speeding signs would be visible within two to three kilometres before the cameras. For traffic light offenders, signs are located 50m to 500m of the traffic lights.
Mahfuz also questioned the motive of installing speeding cameras on places with speed limits of 60 to 70 km/hr.

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