Sunday, September 2, 2012

Will cops, army resign en bloc if Pakatan wins?

YOURSAY 'The police and army do not know their place in an elected democracy. They only know BN democracy.'

Cops, army pull out of Selangor's Merdeka bash
your sayiBoleh: I have always thought that all national agencies should be non-partisan, but what have happened show PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) and the Armed Forces are just too pro-BN in withdrawing from the state Merdeka celebration in Selangor.

Hopefully when Pakatan Rakyat is elected as the new ruling party, all heads of these agencies will be replaced with non-partisan characters.

Gerard Lourdesamy: I assume the police and the armed forces were not present at the Umno-BN ‘Merdeka' disguised party political rally at the Bukit Jalil Stadium on Friday night.

If the IGP (police chief) and the Defence Forces chief is present albeit to hear the PM's speech, then the police and armed forces should stop being hypocrites and admit that their only viable role at present is to keep the Umno-BN regime in power for another 55 years.

S Ravichandran: The police and army do not know their place in an elected democracy. They only know BN democracy.

Conmen: The defenders and protectors of Umno's vital interests (ie, their political survival) cannot be seen publicly siding with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan.

All the defenders and protectors are eating out of Umno's hands, so do you reckon they will be allowed to show support for Anwar? No way!

Only a change of government will reveal their true colours. But then again, they cannot refuse to support a legitimately elected Pakatan government if the latter secures a resounding victory this coming GE13.

Surely there'll be a shifting of the musical chairs and their loyalties will truly be tested to the limit.

Pendatang-Living-In-Malaysia: Their act makes you wonder what will happen when Pakatan wins the next GE.

Probably the crime rate will skyrocket because the police are going to be too busy investigating the Pakatan government for "seditious" remarks, etc.

BTN: Boy, the PDRM and the army are so into politics that they forget their responsibilities. Their actions show that they are the defenders of Umno and not the people.

The people of Selangor voted in Pakatan as the government of the day, and yet this misguided and confused defenders of the people have chosen to go against the people's wishes to show their support to Umno.

What will happen if the majority of people choose to further the cause on change as seen in the last election by voting Pakatan into power at the federal level, where would PDRM and the army come into the picture in such a scenario?

Anonymouse: Ironically, the PDRM and Army made a political statement by the very act of pulling out from Selangor's Merdeka celebrations.

As usual, the heads of these institutions show how well they slobber over the shoes of their political masters.

It is far too much to expect principled men in this day and age in the Malaysian public sector, but apparently there is no shortage of mice.

Quigonbond: This is simply another indicator that federal agencies have succumbed to partisanship.

Only a clear majority in the coming general elections will ensure that the police, military, the Election Commission and the courts abide by the wishes of the people.

Akutuan: So, if Pakatan becomes the government of the day, the PDRM and the armed forces are going to pull themselves out from the service? What a joke!

Anonymous #07443216: Hopefully, the army and PDRM will have enough pride to resign en bloc if Pakatan wins GE13; then we can say they are ‘anak jantan'.

Righteous: Finally, transparency from the police and army that they are beholden to Umno, and that the state has no control over these entities whatsoever.

Now all the violence at protests from the police can be understood clearly. It is high time that the state and federal police fall under their proper heads of government and not all under one roof with the home minister.

Taikohtai: I am for PDRM and the army to stay apolitical.

But then again, I am also for them to stay corrupt-free, but water and oil will blend first before that happens. Janji ditepati dalam mimpi saja (Promises fulfilled, only in our dreams).

Whatsup: The PDRM and Armed Forces have erred and did the despicable, knowing full well their duties and loyalty. I'm sadden by this turn of event as we celebrated our Merdeka - read OUR Merdeka, not Umno's, not BN's.

I shudder to think what partisan PDRM and Armed Forces will do if Pakatan takes over Putrajaya. But I truly hope that when that moment comes, the IGP and Armed Forces chief will do the democratically and morally correct thing. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Mushiro: The blame should go to the ministers and the PDRM and Army leadership. They are not allowed to be independent.

Cloudnine: The nation is now divided. Years and years of abuse, repression and suppression have caused this. The people are trying to grow up, but the rulers are pushing them down.

All this because they are afraid of what we will do for the wrongs they have done. The time for change is now, otherwise we will have no future.

First off, we must get rid of all the useless, corrupt and plundering leaders. - Malaysiakini

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