Friday, October 12, 2012

Alien "Malaysians" !

It's frightening to know how desperate UMNO has become of loosing power and Putrajaya to the Opposition in the next General Elections.

At the Press Club last night, a friend Baba (not his real name)  narrated a chilling story of how many foreigners working in his office here in Kuala Lumpur as security guards and in other casual employment positions used to disappear on"french" leave recently saying they were going to Penang for "immigration" purposes. Pressing further for the reason of their mass exodus on their return, these foreigners boasted that they were now UMNO members of Penang and "Bumiputera Malaysians" with Malaysian Mykads to boot ! They even had the gall to ridicule Baba, a born and bred Malaysian, of his non-bumiputera status.     

Baba was shocked by the news and asked how that was possible and they replied that UMNO (no secret here as to which ethnic race make the majority in UMNO, Penang, right ?) in Penang had opened it's doors to recruit and "nationalise" as many Muslims, preferably of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins as possible in return for their allegiance to UMNO and to ultimately try and unseat the Opposition state government of Penang in the next GE.
And to the state government of Penang, I say, you've got your hands full trying to  differentiate or identify between a Malaysian Indian Muslim, a Bangladeshi and a Pakistani, come election day ! 

UMNO has sold our country to aliens and these foreigners hold citizenships and with more rights than any  non-Bumiputera  citizen in Malaysia. These aliens come from countries that has always been at war with someone or other and in abject poverty ! Killing infidels and "blowing themselves up"  in the name of the Almighty is securing 57 virgins in the afterlife for them. They practise another type of Islam. They have a very narrow-minded and prejudiced  view of the civilised world. They are not used to living in a multi-cultural society. They have zero tolerance to criticism of religion  and by God, they have now become Malaysians !

Do I sound like a bigot here ? I'm very hurt, yes, but more concerned about Malaysia, knowing that the prime minister has sold my country to foreigners for a song/vote ! That's how desperately Najib and his band of merry-cohorts are, clinging on to power.

God save Malaysia !

p.s.See that SPR box on the side-bar above ? Click on it and do a self-check of your voting status. You just might be an "alien" too ! 

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