Thursday, October 11, 2012

Anwar shadows Najib to drum change for Sabah

Umno and BN leaders know that there is little love lost in Sabah for the ruling coalition as people continue to feel the effects of higher prices.
KOTA KINABALU: Wherever Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak goes, the silhouette of a senior Pakatan Rakyat leader is never too far away from him and the same will happen when he visits Sabah this weekend.
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is due in Sabah this Friday on a weekend visit a day ahead of a two-day visit by the premier who will be in the state to shore up support for his Barisan Nasional coalition.
However, while the state administration has announced Najib’s itinerary in Penampang, Kundasang and Kudat, Anwar’s visit is lower-profile.
According to PKR vice president Tian Chua, he will accompany Anwar this Friday to visit the interior Sabah parliamentary districts of Keningau, Tenom and Pensiangan.
“Anwar and I are coming this Friday to Tenom, Pensiangan and Keningau to rally support for the party,” he texted in reply to a FMT query on whether opposition leaders would be in Sabah at the same time as Najib as has been the practice.
According to local PKR leaders, Anwar will reiterate Pakatan’s pledges to Sabah it made in its shadow budget for 2013 if it wins the coming general election.
“They are expected to mount assaults against the Umno regime and the leadership of Musa Aman as Sabah’s Chief Minister,” said a PKR leader here.
The opposition party leaders are also expected to drag Umno’s strongest ally in the Sabah BN government, Parti Bersatu Sabah, into the conflict.
“It will definitely be along those lines. We will expose more wrong-doings and yes PBS leaders including (Joseph) Pairin will be dragged in as accomplices and accessories to all the abuse of power and public funds by virtue of their support for Umno,” said another PKR leader.
Najib is on his fifth visit to Sabah this year. His previous visits to the state also corresponded with that of Pakatan leaders Lim Kit Siang of DAP and Awang Hadi of PAS.
BN leaders worried
While Najib has publicly declared that he is confident BN would retain power in Sabah and showed this by ignoring the state to a large extent in his recent 2013 Budget, BN leaders here are privately concerned with the growing dissatisfaction by Sabahans about the low level of development of their state.
The indications that opposition is gaining growing support in the BN’s ‘fixed deposit’ state is reflected in Najib’s repeated visits to Sabah where 25 parliamentary seats are up for grabs in the looming elections.
Local and national leaders have also grown more sensitive to allegations of corruption and arrogance as the countdown to the elections that must be called by April next year begins.
Anwar and his Pakatan coalition on the other hand have announced sweeteners for the state to ditch the ruling coalition as they have done in the past.
Umno and BN leaders know that there is little love lost in Sabah for the ruling coalition as people continue to feel the effects of having to pay more for food and basic items as the government cuts back on subsidies in response to a slowing global economy.
Pakatan has promised to increase of oil royalty payment to the poverty-stricken state from 5% to 20% if it forms the federal government and is something Sabahans have been demanding for decades after state leaders inexplicably surrendered the state’s resources.
Meanwhile, it is rumoured that scores of Sabah leaders including another corporate leader, would announce their entry into PKR during Anwar’s visit.
Top of the list is Dr Richard Gunting, a Murut leader, who was the general manager of state-owned Koperasi Pembangunan Desa (KPD).
According to insiders, Gunting is a potential PKR candidate for the Tenom seat.


  1. CM said the people's support for BN has not changed despite the allegations against it of late. He said the turnout of people during the recent visit by Najib to Kimanis and Papar showed the support for BN remained strong

  2. Pakatan Rakyat will not capture Putrajaya with only the support from the minority Chinese voters and international recognition from the United States, an analyst specialising in Malaysian politics said in the run-up to Malaysia’s tightest electoral race. According to Prof William Case, acting head of department for Asian and International Studies at the City University of Hong Kong, the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition will not fall to PR without the majority support from the Bumiputera voters even if the opposition pact wins strong support from the Chinese community.

  3. Umno needs to be “calculative” and befriend as many groups and organisations as possible to gain voter support in time for the upcoming polls

  4. Dompok says the BN government is doing all it can to ensure that land owners without titles will get theirs, including those delayed by overlapping application, thus he urges all to support the CM to solve the problem

  5. CM urges the people support the government's transformation programme so that Sabah can achieve its target of becoming a developed state

  6. Najib has publicly declared that he is confident BN wouldretain power in Sabah and showed this by ignoring the state to a large extent in his recent 2013 Budget, BN leaders here are privately concerned with the growing dissatisfaction by Sabahans about the low level of development of their state.

  7. kerajaan BN yg diketuai oleh perdana menteri sentiasa mendengar, ambil berat dan bekerja untuk memenuhi semua permintaan orang ramai - Malaysia Chronicle

  8. Datuk Leong Vui Cheung :
    BN akan terus mengulangi kejayaan untuk menguasai kerusi dengan mantap terutamanya di sabah....

    Perbicaraan kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim diteruskan di Mahkamah Tinggi pada Isnin ini setelah rayuan akhirnya untuk membatalkan pertuduhan tersebut ditolak oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan.

    Panel tiga hakim diketuai oleh Hakim Besar Malaya, Tan Sri Arifin Zakaria berpuas hati bahawa tuduhan liwat itu wajar dikekalkan meskipun laporan klinikal menunjukkan tidak berlaku kemasukan zakar.

    Ketika membacakan keputusan ringkas yang dibuat sebulat suara itu, Hakim Arifin menyatakan, panel tersebut sudah meneliti keseluruhan laporan perubatan oleh tiga doktor yang memeriksa pengadu, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 25.

    ''Mahkamah mendapati laporan yang menyatakan tidak berlaku kemasukan zakar itu gagal menyokong rayuan Anwar bagi membatalkan pertuduhan liwat terhadapnya,'' ujar beliau.
    Turut bersidang, Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, Datuk Seri James Foong Cheng Yuen dan Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, Datuk Suriyadi Halim Omar.

    Anwar merayu setelah tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan pada 17 Februari lalu yang mengekalkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada 1 Disember 2009 yang menolak permohonannya agar tuduhan liwat itu dibatalkan. Dalam permohonannya, Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu mendakwa, tuduhan berkenaan berniat jahat, menindas dan menyalahgunakan proses mahkamah selain satu konspirasi politik serta muslihat jahat sama seperti pertuduhan yang dihadapinya pada 1998.

    Anwar didakwa meliwat Mohd. Saiful Bukhari di Unit 11-5-1, Kondominium Desa Damansara, No.99 Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit Damansara di ibu negara di antara pukul 3.01 petang dan 4.30 petang, 26 Jun 2008. Pada prosiding hari ini, Peguam Cara Negara II, Datuk Mohd. Yusof Zainal Abiden berhujah supayar mahkamah tidak melayan rayuan Anwar untuk membatalkan pertuduhan kerana tindakan itu bersifat pramatang pada peringkat ini.

    Beliau menyatakan, laporan perubatan yang disandarkan oleh pendakwaan itu belum lengkap kerana ia perlu disokong oleh keterangan forensik doktor pakar dan ahli kimia yang menyediakannya. Hujah Mohd. Yusof, Anwar gagal memberi perhatian terhadap beberapa bukti keterangan lain yang lebih penting termasuk laporan kimia yang menunjukkan kehadiran air mani.

    Ujar beliau, rujukan terhadap buku bertajuk Perubatan Forensik Untuk Peguam menyatakan, penemuan air mani pada putik kapas sama ada yang diambil dari lubang dubur atau dari lendir dubur membuktikan perlakuan liwat yang hampir tidak dapat disangkal. Hujah Mohd. Yusof, lagipun pihak pembelaan mempunyai peluang untuk menyangkal pertuduhan liwat itu ketika berhujah di akhir kes pendakwaan sebelum kes prima facie ditentukan oleh hakim bicara.



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