Tuesday, October 16, 2012

For 'shameless' Shahrizat, her family can do no wrong

YOURSAY 'If I misuse RM250 million of a company's fund, can I blame and sue the auditor and shareholders for exposing my misdeeds and sacking me?'

Shahrizat: PKR duo 'poisoned' BN ears

your sayLover Boy: Ex-minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, I cannot believe that you are blaming PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli and Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin as the cause of poisoning the minds of BN veterans such as former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former Wanita Umno head Rafidah Aziz.

Your family benefited RM250 million from the National Feedlot project. The loan was not used for its intended purpose, and this was highlighted by the auditor-general because it is public money.

When your family uses public money, it is obvious that you and your family will be under public scrutiny. If indeed what Zuraida and Rafizi did was wrong, then by similar logic the report by the auditor-general is also wrong.

Bender: Shahrizat, according to you, everyone else in this world is at fault except you and your family.

The problem is it was your family who had taken the RM250 million and had nothing productive to show for it other than a list of high market properties that has nothing to do with the cow business.

Not Confused: Silly, arrogant woman. This is another example of the guilty blaming the messenger for publishing the message.

She doesn't/didn't deserve to be a serving member of the government - she wasn't even elected. Her tenure had expired anyway, so she wasn't "forced to resign".

All the documents on the scandal that have been published appear to be original and tell most of the story. Is she is saying that it is okay to cheat the country out of RM250 million and not be held accountable? Well, I don't think so!

Ez24get: How obstinate can one get? It must be 50 years of BN rule that makes its members oblivious to wrongdoings, corruption, who despite this can shamelessly maintain a straight face and put the blame on the people who expose their misdeeds.

For BN, it is as if corruption and wrongdoings are their entitlement and nobody can question them. If I misuse RM250 million of a company's fund, can I blame and sue the auditor and shareholders for exposing my misdeeds and sacking me?
If the two PKR leaders are wrong, then in the same vein, the auditor-general is also wrong for the exposure. Why don't you sue the auditor-general, Mahathir, the whole cabinet and the entire Malaysian citizenry as well?

Moreover, where is your resignation letter? If I remembered correctly nobody caused your resignation because you did not resign, but your senatorship was merely not renewed by BN (and that is not under the control of the two PKR leaders) after your term had finished.

If anybody is to be sued, it's BN for not renewing your senatorship.

Absalom: Shahrizat, if you want to take steps to clear the names of your family members, it's simple: return the money and admit that you and your family are guilty.

Caripasal: In any true democratic country, a minister would have relinquished her post if her family is caught in such a scandal. Playing ignorant is irresponsible.

Saying Dr M had willingly swallowed Rafizi's poison is a pure insult to the ‘great' man, who once and probably still rules Malaysia politics.

Odin: Even if we were to stretch our imagination beyond breaking point, we would be hard put to grant Shahrizat at least the benefit of the doubt.

And furthermore, she has done nothing in the matter of the Penan young girls and women having been raped by employees of logging companies other than to confirm that the dastardly acts have indeed been committed.

But if all that is not enough, the plaintiff has also illustrated her arrogance and a quite unladylike character by pulling up her ‘baju' sleeves to indicate readiness to thrash the living daylight out of her opponents.

Your Honour, if I may address the bench, I submit that the plaintiff's testimonies are totally unbelievable, and that she has extraordinarily evil intentions despite her propensity for portraying of saintliness with her white apparel covering almost her entire person and performing of the ‘umrah' more often than you blink in the same corresponding period.

It boggles the imagination that those who were once senior members of the cabinet such as Mahathir and Rafidah would have been influenced by the allegations, directly made or implied, of the respondents if such claims were implausible.

Further, the plaintiff's implication that she was a responsible wife, mother, woman and leader is a complete contradiction of her own statement previously made that she was not aware of how her husband had obtained the loan of RM250 million - an amount not to be sneezed at, you would doubtless agree - nor of what her husband and children were up to in their daily lives.

Aries46: Shahrizat is either confused about the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) debacle or she is spinning the events in order to press her case forward.

Initially she claimed that she was unaware of what her husband and children did for a living, what manner of dealings they were involved in or the kind of wealth that they possessed though these were matters right under her nose which any normal wife and mother ought to know about.

Now she accuses the PKR duo of orchestrating her resignation which everyone knows was due to the extreme pressure exerted by her own colleagues in BN.

How would Shahrizat be so sure that the PKR duo 'poisoned' her BN colleagues to react if she does not even know what her own family members did for a living?

Anonymous #79199503: If Rafizi and Zuraida could poison and influence the minds of the Umno veterans and leadership to do their bidding, then the Umno leadership is not fit to be the government of the day.

Shahrizat, I agree with Rafidah Aziz - in reality, you are a misfit to the party.

Anonymous_40a7: There's an old saying, Shahrizat - ‘If you don't get caught, you deserve everything you steal.'

Since you got caught though, don't blame others for the "poison" they pour out. - Malaysiakini

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